



以下に2023年12月2日付の  Ibn Riad - ابن رياض 氏の連続投稿を翻訳する。
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For all people saying "what's the point of the resistance's rockets": you must understand the fragility of the settlers, their desperation for safety and security and their unwillingness to sacrifice themselves for their stolen land.

This is why, despite the asymmetry in firepower, the rockets of the resistance threaten the fragile colonists and their dream of maintaining a safe, luxurious occupation without any price. The disruption of rushing to shelters is enough to make life "intolerable" for these people.

There is great injustice in the non-equivalence between the sacrifices of Palestinians vs. the occupier's, but the natives of the land have no choice but to sacrifice for it. Settlers from across the world will return whence they came, if they can't steal land and homes in peace.

Due to this disgusting, hypocritical, unjust world in which we live, Palestinians have to sacrifice thousands upon thousands of martyrs in their struggle- but they do so with great faith and resilience, sacrificing all for the struggle.

一方、入植者らは[頻発するロケットを避けるために]ガザ圏域と北部国境[イスラエル-レバノン国境の入植地、ヒズボラがガザの後衛としてイスラエルを遠隔攻撃している]から逃れた後に搬送されたホテルの状態について不満を述べている。 これが先住民と植民者の違いです。
The settlers, meanwhile, are complaining about the conditions of the hotels they were shipped to after they fled the Gaza envelope and the northern border. This is the difference between the native and the coloniser.

This is why the rockets of the resistance hold great, great power: the shake the security of the occupation. They remind the settlers their occupation has a price, and will always have a price. If they are not willing to pay it (and the majority are not), they must leave.

Unfortunately so many people on here who think they just know better than the resistance (whose leaders orchestrated the single greatest military operation of this century), and simply pass judgement with an ill-educated glance, dripping with racism and orientalism.

There is staggering arrogance in the assumption that you can pass judgement without bothering to try and understand the social dynamics and psychology underlying this equation, and jump straight to saying "the resistance should do this, instead". Who do you think you are?

This is even without discussing the Iron Dome & its finite stock of interceptors, which if depleted in this stage of the battle, will leave the occupation facing thousands of missiles from across the region the moment it progresses into regional war, with nothing to stop them.

Gideon Levy said that a hamas rocket was like a cry out to the world saying “we exist” since the intl community abandoned them.

Yeah this is still racist, reducing the resistance to helpless victims “crying out to the world” for help. No, the rockets are fiery vengeance and none of us are waiting for this disgusting world to do anything for us.


