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Isn't the top video of the motorcycle emergency braking task at driving schools incorrect?

「You must not put your fingers on the brake lever before the front wheel reaches the pylon.(パイロンに前輪の先端がかかる前にブレーキに指をかけたら駄目)」This is the explanation I received for the emergency braking test at the driving license center's one-time test(Ippat

    • Why ロード・コン?ロードコン?

      警察庁の通達や都道府県警の文書で目にして一瞬なんのことかわからなかった「ロード・コン」、「ロードコン」。 「ロード・コン」の例 令 和 4 年 3 月 4 日 運転免許技能試験実施基準について(通達) https://www.npa.go.jp/laws/notification/koutuu/menkyo/menkyo20220304_12.pdf 「ロードコン」の例 新基準原動機付自転車に係る走行評価結果について https://www.npa.go.jp/bur

      • Practical test of standard small motorcycle with automatic transmission license(50cc to 124cc) at Higashi-Mikawa Driver's License Center in 2024

        KeypointExaggeratedly turn your head to side when changing lanes. In my opinion, the most common failure during the motorcycle practical test at Higashi-Mikawa Driver's License Center is the emergency braking test. Google Earth Pro is ide


      Isn't the top video of the motorcycle emergency braking task at driving schools incorrect?

      • Why ロード・コン?ロードコン?

      • Practical test of standard small motorcycle with automatic transmission license(50cc to 124cc) at Higashi-Mikawa Driver's License Center in 2024
