
Isn't the top video of the motorcycle emergency braking task at driving schools incorrect?

「You must not put your fingers on the brake lever before the front wheel reaches the pylon.(パイロンに前輪の先端がかかる前にブレーキに指をかけたら駄目)」

This is the explanation I received for the emergency braking test at the driving license center's one-time test(Ippatsu-Shiken). Keeping this standard in mind, let's search for '急制動 二輪' on YouTube and check the top four most-viewed videos, excluding shorts, uploaded by driving schools that explain emergency braking. According to the diagram inserted in the notification "Standards for Conducting Driving License Skill Tests(運転免許技能試験実施基準について)" from the Director of the Traffic Bureau of the National Police Agency: 


the starting line for emergency braking is at the entry end of the road cone(pylon) used as the standard.

  1. Drive Ayaha(アヤハ自動車教習所) @driveayaha 2018/12/14

Screenshots of the emergency braking video uploaded by Ayaha Driving School

It looks like the fingers are on the brake lever before the emergency braking starting line.


急制動その1 ブレーキのかけ方(240K views / as of July 2024)

2.ツキノワプロダクション【月の輪自動車教習所公式チャンネル】 @tsukinowaproduction 2021/04/25

Screenshots of the emergency braking video uploaded by Tsukinowa Driving School

It is evident that the fingers are on the brake lever well before the pylon.


【すべらない急制動】急ブレーキ時のレバー握り方を徹底解説!!(220K views / as of July 2024)

3.ヌマドラ 沼田自動車学校公式チャンネル @numajiHiroshima 2019/02/12

Screenshots of the emergency braking video uploaded by Numata Driving School

This also looks like the fingers are on the brake lever before the emergency braking starting line.


二輪教習課題 急制動のポイント解説(140K views / as of July 2024)

4.takarads3939(タカラ自動車学校) @takarads3939 2011/12/17

Screenshots of the emergency braking video uploaded by Takara Driving School

The position of the left and right pylons appears slightly misaligned, but according to the left pylon, it seems to pass.


急制動(110K views / as of July 2024)

Deduction criteria(減点適用基準)

Application items for [specified speed]([課題速度]の適用事項)

「指定速度からの急停止」の課題において、(中略)急制動開始線では指定速度になっていたが、その手前から制動を始めた場合 [急停止]

警察庁交通局運転免許課長 運転免許技能試験に係る採点基準の運用の標準について(通達)

In English, "In the task of 'emergency stop from a specified speed', (omitted) if the specified speed was reached at the emergency braking starting line, but braking started before that point[sudden stop]".

Does the interpretation differ based on whether 'started braking' means 'put fingers on the brake lever' or 'the brake light turned on"? The logic that fingers should not be on the brake lever, as the test assumes an unexpected stop, seems reasonable. I wonder if driving schools nationwide are flollowing the standard for the application of scoring criteria in the driving license skill test.


The four videos discussed were posted between 2011 and 2021, while the one-time test(Ippatsu-Shiken) I took was in 2024. Searching '急制動 二輪' on YouTube and sorting by view count, the top three videos from official driving school channels do not appear to meet the emergency braking standards explained at the Higashi Mikawa Driving License Center. Practicing based on these videos and then performing in the one-time test could likely result in a retake. However, it's possible that the standards have been unified from 2021 to the present. If that's the case, videos from each driving school that were filmed based on incorrect standards should be deleted, corrected, or updated. It is unclear if the standard for the application of scoring criteria in the driving license skill test has been achieved nationwide.

#急制動 #指定速度からの急停止 #急停止 #東三河運転免許センター #運転免許センター #一発免許 #一発試験 #直接受験 #技能試験 #二輪技能試験 #バイク免許 #公安委員会 #警察庁交通局長 #警察庁交通局運転免許課長 #警察庁 #自動車学校 #自動車教習所 #アヤハ自動車教習所 #月の輪自動車教習所 #沼田自動車学校 #タカラ自動車学校
