
World Bullying Prevention Month™ – 世界いじめ防止月間



Language Focus


  • bully (plural bullies)
    学校にいるいじめっ子を a school bully、会社なら an office bully と呼んだりします。

  • make fun of sb/sth

  • give sb a hard time

  • humiliation

  • take a stand against sb/sth
    take a stand だけだと「立場を取る」という意味合いなので、守る側に回るなら take a stand for sb となります。

  • bully sb
    冒頭の bully は[役者]でしたが、こちらは[矢印]です。同じ綴りで、行為にもそれを行う人にもなる語ですね。

  • anti-bullying
    anti- +[役者]で、「抗/反〜の」という[化粧]を作ることができます。

  • PInk Shirt Day
    後に本文で触れる、カナダで起こったピンクのシャツを着ていじめに反対する姿勢を示す運動に由来する祝祭日。世界中の多くの国々で認知されており、日付にはばらつきがある。 2012年、国連は公式日を5月4日と宣言した。発祥地カナダでは2月27日に行われ、国際的なピンクの日(International Day of Pink )も別の日に祝われる。

  • educate and raise awareness of sth

  • unity

  • kindness

  • acceptance

  • inclusion

  • haze sb

  • abuse


  • adolescent

  • make threats (against sb)

  • spread rumours

  • attacking sb physically or verbally

  • exclude sb

  • cyberbullying

  • embarrassing

  • fake profiles

  • aggressive behavior

  • pick on sb

  • discriminate against sb

  • consequences of sth

  • bullycide
    bully + suicide の新語。

  • vigilance

  • tease sb

  • damaging

  • malicious

  • stand up and do sth

  • offender

  • bystander

  • stomp sth ↔︎ out

Full Text

Recent History of Anti-Bullying

On the first day of school in 2007, a Grade 9 boy turned up in school in Cambridge, Nova Scotia with a pink polo shirt on. It took almost no time for a band of bullies to notice the unique colour of his top. Straight way, they started making fun of it and giving Jadrien a hard time.

Then two boys, namely David Shepherd and Travis Price, saw the humiliation and thought they had simply had enough. After school they purchased 50 pink shirts and handed them out at school the next day, encouraging everyone to take a stand against bullying.

Their manoeuvre soon got a lot of attention and started to spread around the world. That year, Nova Scotia Premier Rodney MacDonald proclaimed the second Thursday of September (aligning with the start of each school year) as “Stand Up Against Bullying Day” in recognition of these events. In 2008 Gordon Campbell, the Premier of British Columbia, proclaimed February 27 to be the provincial Anti-Bullying Day. In 2009, the Boys & Girls Clubs of Canada worked on pink t-shirts that say “Bullying Stops Here.” and “Pink Shirt Day” for Anti-Bullying Day. In May 2009, New Zealand celebrated its first Pink Shirt Day. It kept spreading until 2012, when the United Nations took this celebration and pushed it one step further, turning it into an Anti-Bullying campaign on a global scale.

In the United States, such movements kicked off even earlier. PACER’s National Bullying Prevention Center, originally created by parents of children and youth with disabilities to help other parents and families facing similar challenges, founded a campaign called National Bullying Prevention Month in 2006. The campaign is held during the month of October and unites communities nationwide to educate and raise awareness of bullying prevention. Initially held the first week in October, the event was expanded in 2010 to the entire month. STOMP Out Bullying™, the US’s leading anti-bullying organization founded in 2005, declared the first Monday of October World Day of Bullying prevention and celebrates the whole October as World Bullying Prevention Month™. The former encourages wearing and sharing orange whilst the latter promotes blue, both of which are intended to show unity for kindness, acceptance, and inclusion, and to make a visible statement against bullying.

Stomp Out Bullying

Bullying has existed probably as long as the human history and has still been a growing problem in schools, especially in past years. While some consider hazing and the abuse that some children take in school to be a typical part of the adolescent experience, rising suicide rates and violence in school has led officials to start taking a hard, zero-tolerance stance on bullying.

Bullying includes actions such as making threats, spreading rumours, attacking someone physically or verbally, and excluding someone from a group on purpose. Bullying can also take place through technology, known as cyberbullying. Examples of cyberbullying include mean text messages or emails, rumours sent by email or posted on social networking sites, and embarrassing pictures, videos, websites, or fake profiles.

There are many other types of aggressive behavior that don’t fit the general definition of bullying. This does not mean that they are any less serious or require less attention.

If you are picked on or discriminated against in any manner in school, college, or even adult years, attention has got to be brought to your plight. Awareness should be raised of the serious consequences of bullying. Many studies have proven that bullying may cause physical changes in the brain and increase the chance of mental illness and even leads to suicide at worst. The term to describe this is “bullycide“, wherein someone who is bullied commits suicide as a result.

Taking a stand against bullying is, in part, an act of vigilance that starts at home. Think about the behaviours you engage in and the light-hearted teasing you do with your co-workers, classmates, and friends. What you see as harmless may quite possibly be perceived as a damaging and malicious act.

The point of bullying prevention is to transform a society that accepts bullying into a society that recognizes that bullying must – and can – be addressed through education and support.

Do you take any notice of bullying going on around you? Then, imagine what can happen as a result of bullying and be sure to really show the victims that you care. Stand up and tell the offender to stop and be a champion for the person being bullied. Ask experts for help if the situation is difficult for you to deal with. Be more than a bystander. Bullying IS a serious issue, and World Bullying Prevention Month is our opportunity to take a stand against it and stomp it out.


Your support in any shape or form counts!