
Care Conceptの支払い

Your payment to Care Concept AG

2017/9/28, 木, 4:27

service@paypal.de (service@paypal.de)宛先:お客様 詳細

You made a payment to Care Concept AG.

27. Sep 2017 21:07:23 GMT+02:00
Receipt No:1815-2644-2432-4189


This charge will appear on your credit card statement as payment to PAYPAL *CARECONCEPT.

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Merchant information:
Care Concept AG
0228977350Instructions to merchant:
None providedShipping information:
Shipping method:
Not specifiedDescriptionUnit priceQtyAmountCare College Nr.CC179969285
Item #: 1
€436,80 EUR1436,80 EUR

Discount:-€0,00 EURTotal:€436,80 EURExchange rate: 1 JPY = 0,00724409 EURAmount you'll pay (transaction currency):¥60.298 JPY

Receipt No: 1815-2644-2432-4189
Please keep this receipt number for future reference. You'll need it if you contact customer service at Care Concept AG or PayPal.


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Currency conversion:

We can confirm that you have been offered a choice of Currencies and agreed to pay in the currency identified above (Amount you'll pay).

Based on the choice you made, PayPal converted the payment amount to the currency of your card, instead of your merchant's currency. PayPal's foreign exchange rate is 3,50% above the rate provided by our financial partners.

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