CA Bar Exam 練習答案: Contracts (July 2002)

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July 2002 Question 4

Travelco ran a promotional advertisement which included a contest, promising to fly the contest winner to Scotland for a one week vacation. Travelco's advertisement stated: "The winner's name will be picked at random from the telephone book for this trip to 'Golfer's Heaven.' If you're in the book, you will be eligible for this dream vacation!"

After reading Travelco's advertisement, Polly had the telephone company change her unlisted number to a listed one just in time for it to appear in the telephone book that Travelco used to select the winner. Luckily for Polly, her name was picked, and Travelco notified her. That night Polly celebrated her good fortune by buying and drinking an expensive bottle of champagne.

The next day Polly bought new luggage and costly new golfing clothes for the trip. When her boss refused to give her a week's unpaid leave so she could take the trip, she quit, thinking that she could look for a new job when she returned from Scotland.

After it was too late for Polly to retract her job resignation, Travelco advised her that it was no longer financially able to award the free trip that it had promised.

Polly sues for breach of contract and seeks to recover damages for the following: (1) cost of listing her telephone number; (2) the champagne; (3) the luggage and clothing; (4) loss of her job; and (5) the value of the trip to Scotland.

1. What defenses should Travelco assert on the merits of Polly's breach of contract claim, and what is the likely outcome? Discuss.
2. Which items of damages, if any, is Polly likely to recover? Discuss.




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