CA Bar Exam 練習答案: Real Property (Feb 2005)

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今回はFeb 2005のQ5, Real Property です。少し古いですが、重要論点がバランスよく組み込まれた、練習には最適な問題です。


Feb 2005 Question 5

Alice and Bill were cousins, and they bought a house. Their deed of title provided that they were "joint tenants with rights of survivorship." Ten years ago, when Alice moved to a distant state, she and Bill agreed that he would occupy the house. In the intervening years, Bill paid nothing to Alice for doing so, but paid all house-related bills, including costs of repairs and taxes.

Two years ago, without Alice's knowledge or permission, Bill borrowed $10,000 from Lender and gave Lender a mortgage on the house as security for the loan.

There is a small apartment in the basement of the house. Last year, Bill rented the apartment for $500 per month to Tenant for one year under a valid written lease. Tenant paid Bill rent over the next seven months. During that time, Tenant repeatedly complained to Bill about the malfunctioning of the toilet and drain, but Bill did nothing. Tenant finally withheld $500 to cover the cost of plumbers he hired; the plumbers were not able to make
the repair. Tenant then moved out.

Bill ceased making payments to Lender. Last month, Alice died and her estate is represented by Executor.

1. What interests do Bill, Executor, and Lender have in the house? Discuss.
2. What claims do Executor and Bill have against each other? Discuss.
3. Is Tenant obligated to pay any or all of the rent for the remaining term of his lease, including the $500 he withheld? Discuss.


登場人物が5人いて、小問も3つあるので、見た瞬間に、書くこと多そうだな、という感じがする問題です。多論点型の問題で大切なのは、とにかく最後まで書き切ること。そのためには、①最初の10分か15分くらいで見出しとルールだけざっと書き出して全体像を把握することと、②答案の前半に時間をかけない(これでもかというくらいさらっと終わらせて、後から戻ってくるくらいでOK)のがコツかなと思います。argue both sidesとかはやらずに、当てはめはシンプルに。

note掲載_Real Property_2005Feb_1


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