CA Bar Exam 練習答案: Professional Responsibility (July 2006)

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July 2006 Question 5

Lawyer represents Client, who sustained serious injuries when she was hit by a truck driven by Driver. Lawyer and Client entered into a valid, written contingency fee agreement, whereby Lawyer would receive one-third of any recovery to Client related to the truck accident. Because Client was indigent, however, Lawyer orally agreed to advance Client’s litigation expenses and to lend her $1,000 monthly in living expenses that he would recoup from any eventual settlement. Lawyer did not tell Client that he had written a letter to Physician, Client’s doctor, assuring Physician full payment of her medical expenses from the accident out of the recovery in the case.

Unfortunately, Driver had strong legal defenses to defeat the claim, and the case would not settle for the amount Lawyer initially forecast. Counsel for Driver finally offered $15,000 to settle the case without conceding liability. By this time, Lawyer had advanced $5,000 in litigation and living expenses, and Client had incurred $5,000 in medical expenses.

Client was reluctant to accept the offer. Realizing, however, that this case could drag on indefinitely with little chance of substantial recovery, Lawyer took Client out for an expensive dinner, at which they shared two bottles of wine. Afterward Lawyer took Client to Lawyer’s apartment where they engaged in consensual sexual relations.

Later that evening Lawyer persuaded Client to accept the settlement offer by agreeing to give her the net proceeds after his contingency fee and the amounts he had advanced were deducted and not to pay Physician anything.

The next week, Lawyer distributed the net proceeds to Client as agreed.

What ethical violations, if any, has Lawyer committed?
Answer according to California and ABA authorities to the extent there is any difference among them.




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