CA Bar Exam 練習答案: Criminal Law & Procedure (Feb 2008)

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February 2008 Question 3

Dan’s neighborhood was overrun by two gangs: the Reds and the Blues. Vic, one of the Reds, tried to recruit Dan to join his gang. When Dan refused, Vic said he couldn’t be responsible for Dan’s safety.

After threatening Dan for several weeks, Vic backed Dan into an alley, showed him a knife, and said: “Think carefully about your decision. Your deadline is coming fast.” Dan was terrified. He began carrying a gun for protection. A week later, Dan saw Vic walking with his hand under his jacket. Afraid that Vic might be about to stab him, Dan shot and killed Vic.

Dan was arrested and put in jail. After his arraignment on a charge of murder, an attorney was appointed for him by the court. Dan then received a visitor who identified himself as Sid, a member of the Blues. Sid said the Blues wanted to help Dan and had hired him a better lawyer. Sid said the lawyer wanted Dan to tell Sid exactly how the killing had occurred so the lawyer could help Dan. Dan told Sid that he had shot Vic to end the harassment. Dan later learned that Sid was actually a police informant, who had been instructed beforehand by the police to try to get information from Dan.

1. May Dan successfully move to exclude his statement to Sid under the Fifth and/or Sixth Amendments to the United States Constitution? Discuss.
2. Can Dan be convicted of murder or of any lesser-included offense? Discuss.




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