



しかし、ルソフォビアはウクライナに始まったわけではない。西側で長い時間をかけて醸成されてきたのである🎥 https://t.me/rtdocfilms/238

❗️The spiral of Russophobic pogroms and outright discrimination of Russians, unwinding in the West now, instigated by the politicians and the media - the public is being indoctrinated that Russia is to blame for the new reality they have to live in - must stop

▪️Of all the major military operations that have been undertaken since the start of the millennium (Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, to name some of the broken places) Russia’s special operation in Ukraine already stands apart for a very peculiar reason, and that is the ugly backlash it has generated against ordinary Russian citizens

However Russophobia didn’t start with Ukraine. It’s long been brewing in the West🎥https://t.me/rtdocfilms/238