




What is it to be a strong independent woman?

'Strong Independent Woman' We hear this word frequently in our daily life. However, what kind of impression will you get when someone says to you? Imagine one of your friends or it could be a random person saying 'You are a strong independ

    • Fortunetelling

      It happened recently that my mom told me that I am going to get married soon. My mom went to see a fortuneteller with her coworker. According to her coworker, this fortuneteller is famous as giving a right guess. Me and my mom didn't knew

      • Fear of Scent

        Lately, I was thinking if I had a good nose. This doesn't mean that I hate my my nose, but I have a sinus problem and that's the reason why I started to think like this. I have a bad allergy affecting only to my nose since I was born. I hav

        • Job hunting

          'You need to decided your job' says my mom. It is a great pressure for me to think about this. Job hunting. I've already desired what I kinda wanna do for my future, but there is one thing I am worried about this job. It's the brand of the

        What is it to be a strong independent woman?

          Secret Diary project

          Hi there, This is Shannon. I'm pretty sure that no one knows me and that's fine. Let me introduce myself first. Hello again. I'm Shannon Syers. I'm neither English nor Japanese. I'm not gonna tell you about my ethnicity and my gender.

          Secret Diary project