
Job hunting

'You need to decided your job' says my mom.

It is a great pressure for me to think about this. Job hunting. I've already desired what I kinda wanna do for my future, but there is one thing I am worried about this job. It's the brand of the job. What I mean by this is more like a title. Am I able to say that I'm doing this job in front of people? I will definitely feel uncomfortable saying that because most of people will think this job as a lower-class-job. It is such a precious and valuable job, but the ideal future plan for most of the people would be like having a job at big enterprises or listed companies. I wonder what many people does as a job. Especially, I wonder for people who takes the same train everyday with me. and pedestrians. If it wasn't these kind of jobs, then second ideal job will be like fashion related or technology related. Why is it so hard to find a single job that I feel proud of it, be happy working and be able to work?
