

It happened recently that my mom told me that I am going to get married soon. 

My mom went to see a fortuneteller with her coworker. According to her coworker, this fortuneteller is famous as giving a right guess. Me and my mom didn't knew about this fortuneteller, but just as an experience, she went to see this person. 

She came back home and told me that the fortuneteller guessed what's my future job and what I as specialised in. Now I think, what this person said was correct. I am doing what she predicted. She continued. 'The fortuneteller told you to have pink items, like a pen, so I will get a boyfriend. For me, I wanted to raise luck for my business, so it's blue.' Since that, we tired our best to use pink or blue things in our daily life. 

A few months late, I got a boyfriend. Good for me. 

However, I found out that I might have to leave my country in less than 2 years because he might need to go back his country. 

I asked my mom if I could follow him and she said 'The fortuneteller was true.' This person guessed I will be married at this age. 

I am trying not to be too excited about this because no one knows what will truly happen. This is my way of protecting myself.

Still, I am looking forward to the time to come. 
