

📖New publication announcement 📕

Momotaro's songs

Publisher: Asahi Shimbun Publishing

Release date: December 7, 2023

Price: 1,800 yen + tax *Prices are as of the time of publication.

ISBN 9784022519504

The obi is Setsuko Shinoda and Shusuke Michio (@michioshusuke).📖

📿玄侑 宗久(げんゆう そうきゅう、1956年4月28日 - )は、日本の小説家、臨済宗の僧侶。 福島県在住。 東日本大震災復興構想会議委員。Genyu Sokyuu (born April 28, 1956) is a Japanese novelist and a Rinzai Buddhist monk. Lives in Fukushima Prefecture. Member of the Great East Japan Earthquake Reconstruction Planning Council. 📿📿



I had Mr. Nmaru ?!take the photo.

旅travel salad🥗nakamaruさん?!

There is only one week left until the release of the new book "Hear".

When you listen to a "certain voice" from the QR code that appears in the story, something extraordinary will happen in the story.

I was able to create something 300% more interesting than I imagined. left unfinish


All the truth was in the sound全ての真相は「音」の中に
