

Set in the fictitious record store "THE TRAD," Goro Inagaki (Monday and Tuesday personality) and Hama Okamoto (OKAMOTO'S) (Wednesday and Thursday personality) will each perform with the concept of ``Tasting high-quality music thoroughly.'' This is a music program that delivers essential and timeless high-quality music and hobby topics with masters who are excellent in music genres. Assistants will be free announcers Akiyo Yoshida (Monday and Tuesday) and Emiri Nakagawa (Wednesday and Thursday).


架空のレコード店『THE TRAD』を舞台に、「上質な音楽を、じっくり味わう。」をコンセプトに、稲垣吾郎(月・火曜パーソナリティ)とハマ・オカモト(OKAMOTO’S)(水・木曜パーソナリティ)が、各音楽ジャンルに秀でたマイスターたちとともに、本質的で流行に左右されない上質な音楽と趣味の話題をお届けする音楽番組です。アシスタントは、フリーアナウンサーの吉田明世(月・火曜)と中川絵美里(水・木曜)が担当します。

Nothing's Carved In Stone

Today marks 🌹15 years since our first live performance.🌹

Thank you for your continued support!

We look forward to your continued support for our 16th year! !

Photo by Taichi Nishimaki
