

Yesterday, at my parents' house, I found a photo of the alcove from 45 years ago. I was surprised that it wasn't a tiger hanging scroll (lol)(昔の床の間はSimpleでいいですね(笑))


室井さんの周りではエッセイのネタになるような、奇妙なことが起きることがしばしばあるそうで、今回の収録中にも、サワコの身に不思議な現象が…!? 「興奮すると何か力が出てるみたい。電球とか切れたりするの」と話す室井さん。摩訶不思議な室井ワールドがさく裂の30分。お楽しみに!
It seems that strange things often happen around Mr. Muroi, which could be the subject of an essay, and even during this recording, a strange phenomenon happened to Sawako...! ? Mr. Muroi says, ``When I get excited, I feel like I have some kind of energy. It's like a light bulb goes out.'' The mysterious Muroi world explodes in 30 minutes. Look forward to it!
