Acting Japanese

"I need to act more Japanese."

Every day is a survival from discrimination.

I try to talk like Japanese,

think like Japanese,

look like Japanese,

and like like Japanese.

I need to blend in. Don't stand out. Being an outsider or having mixed roots is tough in this country.

Am I doing it right? Has anyone thought I'm strange?

I need to be careful not to slip out any weird words when I talk.

I can feel my hands sweating.

"Isn't the way he/she talks kinda strange?"

"I know. The way he/she thinks too."

"Hush! He's/She's a foreigner."

"Oh, so he's/she's not Japanese?"

Don't treat me differently. I'm the same Japanese, and I want to be treated the same way.

Every day is a challenge. 

A challenge to survive. 

A challenge to be Japanese.

I survived today.

Will I do well tomorrow?

"I need to act more Japanese."
