
A Returnee Blabbing #1

I have gone through a few and I’ve always fell for people who speak English as their native language after leaving the US for family reason.
I’ve always thought romance is possible beyond the languages/cultural barriers.
It has been for me, it’s just not for a long time. I’ve come to the realization that it’s not for everyone, probably not for me either.

I started seeing someone who doesn’t speak or use English like me as of last month. I have no idea how long it lasts this time. But I don’t think I would be seeing people the same way I used to.

In addition to that, living as a returnee is tough. Questioning my own ethical group mindsets is tough. No one gets your inner struggles or dilemmas.
Everybody expects you to behave the same way as they do. It feels as if people call you names if you don’t comply or cast a doubt.
But each year I’m getting used to all. Through the process of denial, ignoring, doubting, being shamed, adjusting, adapting.
