
世界中の英語を学ぶホストと、梅酒との出会い|ゲストの体験談 #1

こんにちは。NAGOMI VISITです。「世界中の旅人と食卓を囲むホームビジット」に参加したゲストの体験談をシェアします。


Describe your host?

My hosts were a couple who loved to travel, and to make friends from other countries. He laughed at everything in a joyful and relaxed way. She made practicing English her hobby, and not just American or UK English, but world Englishes from all over. They were warm and welcoming and I enjoyed my time with them thoroughly.



What did you talk about during your Nagomi Visit?

They taught me how to make temaki, and explained how they make their own umeshu. I talked about my experiences teaching Japanese students, and we discussed cultural differences between Japan and the USA, chiefly the difference in uncertainty avoidance. She talked about her experience volunteering at the Olympics. They told me about trips they had taken, and their plans for an upcoming trip to Cambodia. They showed me around their home. I asked them what I should be sure to see in Tokyo, and they drove me over to the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building to enjoy the view from the south observatory.

NAGOMI VISIT ではどんな話をしましたか?


Did you make any new discoveries?

Not only had I never tasted umeshu, but I had never heard of it. It tasted wonderful. And she spoke about meeting a friend from an Arab-speaking country, and how his English had completely different uncertainty avoidance. from other English speakers.



What did you eat?

I ate temaki, as well as agedashidofu, a spinach salad with sesame seeds and a radish salad. Afterward, we had cherries.



If you participated with others, what were their thoughts about the Nagomi Visit?

I went alone.

他の人と一緒に参加した場合、NAGOMI VISITについての感想は?


What was your most memorable moment?

I think I will always remember the flavor of the umeshu.



Do you still keep in touch with your host?

It happened yesterday, but I have already corresponded with them by email and LINE. They tell me they send New Year's greetings, and we took one picture together in which they wore dragon hats so they could help me welcome in 2024.



What guidebooks or websites did you use to plan your Japan trip?

Too many to count. I have been in Japan for ten months on a Fulbright grant, and I spent a summer preparing for the trip. I have probably found Tokyo Cheapo the most helpful, followed by Tokyo Weekender and Timeout Tokyo.


数え切れないほどたくさんあります。フルブライト奨学金で10ヶ月間日本に来ているのですが、その準備に夏を費やしました。おそらく一番役に立ったのはTokyo Cheapoでしょう。次がTokyo WeekenderとTimeout Tokyoです。

Why did you go on a Nagomi Visit?

I learned about Nagomi visits back in 2017 and thought the idea was wonderful. I am a college professor and hope someday to bring students to Japan with me for a study away trip. If that happens, I intend to assign them to go on at least one Nagomi visit.

なぜNagomi Visitへ参加したのですか?

2017年にNagomi Visitを知り、このアイデアは素晴らしいと思いました。私は大学教授で、いつか学生を連れて日本へ研修旅行に行きたいと思っています。そうなったら、少なくとも1回はNagomi Visitに参加させるつもりです。

Did you have any trouble booking your Nagomi Visit? Or after booking the Nagomi Visit?

No trouble at all.

Nagomi Visitの予約をするうえで、または予約後に何かトラブルはありましたか?


「世界中の旅人と食卓を囲むホームビジット」を運営する私たちNPO法人NAGOMI VISITは、「すべての人がグローバル市民として暮らす日本社会」を目指しています。詳しくはこちらのページでご覧いただけます。


NAGOMI VISITの趣旨にご賛同いただけた方はぜひホストとしてご登録ください。
詳しくはNAGOMI VISIT公式サイトへどうぞ。
