
Why am I collaborating with Mr. Yusaku Maezawa and giving out ¥1,000,000? What is the definition of “Artist”?

Hello, my name is Mago Nagasaka.

From May 10th〜May 16th 2021 up to 11:59pm, "now open!!"

I will be giving out ¥1,000,000"$9100" each to 10 artists who wants to make the world happy, in collaboration with Mr. Yusaku Maezawa.


The reason for the decision I made to do this is because I agree with Mr. Maezawa’s concept of wealth redistribution.

I am waiting for the world to become an equal and peaceful world. To help the world become equal and peaceful, I didn’t want to wait but wanted to take action, which lead to my decision to collaborate.


I was active as a poor painter on the streets, in the middle of capitalism, democracy, competition principle in the Japanese society. In 2017, I visited the slums of Ghana. There, I saw the distorted world of capitalism and dark side of the mass consumption society.

This place was the cemetery of millions of tons of electronic wastes sent from the developed countries. I met workers at this waste land who burns electronic appliances to take out the metal without using gas masks, and work for $5 a day. I found out the sad truth that these workers would develop diseases such as cancer and passed away, due to the toxic gas they inhale when burning the electronic devices.


A poor painter who came from a developed country promised to himself that he will save these workers.

Using the electronic wastes thrown out at the cemetery, I presented a piece of art.

An art piece that used only ¥10,000 worth of materials,


Picture: 2018, Child in Ghana, Oil painting, electronics

has turned into a piece worth ¥15,000,000 at my first exhibition.

At that point, my repayment has started.


Pictur: Distribution of 1,000 gas masks.


Picture: Opening a free school


Picture: Opening MAGO E-WASTE museum, providing culture to the slum.

Currently I have multiple exhibitions ongoing all over the world, making over ¥100,000,000 in sales every year through my artwork.

My dream is to provide a ¥10,000,000,000 recycle factory for the 30,000 people living in the slums.

Last month, I have recorded a new sales record for art exhibitions at Isetan Department Store Shinjuku branch.

I have seen through the habits of the capitalism, and with reversal thinking, I have turned garbage into art. After introducing a structure of how to contribute back to the developing country, my business as an artist was successful.

As a result, it enabled for me to participate as a supporter of the cash giveaway.


As a collaboration with Mr. Maezawa, I have set the cash giveaway to ¥1,000,000 to each artist, which is the highest cash giveaway.

The reason it is set to ¥1,000,000 is because, if an artist has ¥1,000,000, he/she will be able to do anything depending on his/her will.

As an example, I will share what I did with ¥1,000,000.

When I was in my 20’s I didn’t have much money, so I applied for an overseas training competition at Fukui prefecture and won the competition. With the competition prize of ¥1,000,000, I traveled to total of 8 countries including Taiwan, New York, and Paris. As I traveled, I also painted my art. After visiting numerous museums, seeing real art with my own eyes, and learning about the world, I was able to find my original art style. I was able to accomplish this because I had the competition prize of ¥1,000,000.

Our current company, Mago Creations, has also started with a capital of ¥1,000,000 which I borrowed from my former teacher. With the money, 5 years ago I have established a sustainable creating company with the motto “make the world a more peaceful place, and sustain the beauty of it through art.” In the past few years, I was able to develop into an artist who can generate sales of over ¥100,000,000 annually.


If an artist only has ¥100,000, the things that can be accomplished is limited. But if an artist has ¥1,000,000, I believe anything can be pursued. An artist can even travel to the other side of the world given the current commodity prices. Singers can deliver their beautiful voices to people living in the other side of the world. Novelists can travel around Japan and turn his thoughts and emotions into words, artists on the street curb can travel the world and create new paintings. Modern ballet dancers can rent a large hall and present their new expression. Novelists, video creators, movie directors, photographers, writers, adventurers, youtubers, all types of artists can utilize their talent and create value from it. If they were given ¥1,000,000, they will have many opportunities to present their piece of creation to the world.

So as the title suggests,

I will be searching for 10 artists who will bring happiness to the world, and each will be given ¥1,000,000.

And my definition of an “artist” is

An artist is someone who can leave their HEART behind on EARTH.



Artist loving Mr. Maezawa, who has possession of a Basquiat art and shocked the world, and I, who used to be a painter on the streets, will be collaborating to give out free cash to 10 lucky artists. To the 10 artists who receive this money, please make the best out of it, make the world happy, make more money out of it, and become successful! In the future, I hope you will pass on any extra money from the grossed profit to the next generation group of artists who wants to make the world happy.


Living in modern day capitalism, I’ve had difficulty living with and had large doubts against concept of capitalism, wealth inequality, and mass consumption society. I was deeply disappointed after seeing the truth of mass consumption society, the tons of wastes from the developed country thrown out to the land in Ghana. I felt the difficulty of living in this society, the inequality, the unjust. Then I decided to change this negative energy into art. Seeing through the habits of capitalism, I have proposed a new concept of sustainable capitalism, which aims to create a sustainable society. In the past few years, this concept has received high appraisal. And now, I have enough funds to start my dream project of building a recycle factory in Ghana after I take my COVID vaccine.

I have great sympathy towards and was also very impressed with wealth redistribution advocated by Mr. Maezawa. After knowing Mr. Maezawa has been taking risks for world peace, taking on challenges to change the common knowledge of society, I pushed the entry button to become a supporter. It’s natural that the younger generation will become successful and make huge profits in the near future. They will predict the future, take action and create businesses, and in return make money.

This is the basics in the world of capitalism. Understanding the habits and nature of capitalism, and monetizing, or in other words creating a successful business, will generate money.

The question here is, I believe the choices available for the wealthier people, what they can use their money for, is limited. If you became a millionaire in the future, what will your dream be?

Is it to buy expensive clothes from famous brands? To buy a new house? To buy a comfortable bed?

All of these are definitely right answers, privileges for the successful people living in the society of capitalism.

But if the cash giveaway like this very one becomes more casual, and there are more structures and services to give free money away to people in need, I believe it will take us to a more peaceful and equal society.

As my former teacher lend me ¥1,000,000, if wealth distribution becomes more casual,

If the rich people who generated great wealth under capitalism did not keep all of their wealth to themselves, but rather give out their wealth to others, I believe we can achieve a world with no war, a peaceful world, and a generation of the beautiful earth will arrive.

I am an entrepreneur, but I want to live as a laborer as a painter for the remainder of my life.

To me, living an extravagant life will be making more money to distribute it to people in Ghana, others in need in the world, and people who is going to make this world beautiful. That is the most luxurious way of living my life.

Artists who agree and support the collaboration between Mr. Maezawa and I, take this chance and enter the cash giveaway project.

This is end to

The cash give away with Mr. Maezawa, Why I decided to collaborate, ¥1,000,000 per person, the definition of artist.

Thank you for taking the time to read my article. Thank you to everyone who has entered the cash give away.

Please retweet and share this cash giveaway to other artists around you.

As one of many artists, I will do my best to make this world peaceful by cooperating with others! I will work even harder and make more money, so I can introduce Cash Giveaway Pt 2 in the near future!

Thank you!


P.S. To the 10 artists who win the prize, please invite me to your exhibitions and events!


Artist Mago Nagasaka

For more information about my latest activities, exhibitions, and visits to Mago Gallery, check out our office website below!!

