
【3】Return from a Faraway Planet 02 ~Ami the Tiny Alien (Second Half)

 Me: What kind of diet do you have,  Ami? 
Ami: I just eat one of these beans and I’m full 10 days! Convenient, isn't it? 
Me: It's like a Senzu Bean from Dragon Ball!

Master Karin : Here eat a Senzu Bean!
 Master Karin : Come on, you should eat it!
Goku: Huh? What the heck is this!? This is just a single bean!!
 Master Karin: Stop complaining or I’ll punish you! That is a senzu bean. It’s an amazing bean that will easily satisfy your hunger for 10 days if you eat even a single one.  

Ami: Just eating Senzu Beans is enough for me.
Me: Don't the aliens who invade Earth eat humans? There are a lot of movies like that on Earth.
Ami: Hahaha... (laughs) That's an idea that is influenced by hell. Us aliens have advanced technology that can travel through space, so we can easily just make Senzu Beans for our food. 


Me: What was your first impression after seeing an Earthling?

 Ami: What surprised me was that the body becomes ragged in just 70-80 years. Normally, a body created by God can be used for 3 hundred years. 

 Me: As always, I don't really get it, but humans grow rapidly until 20, and then our health declines sharply at 30, 40, and even more so at 50. 
Ami: Yes, basically, Earthlings' aging progresses not gradually, but in stages.

↓↓↓ Earthlings actually age in steps ↓↓↓ After passing the growth period, men age as if a time bomb in the DNA is activated every 10 years or so. They age rapidly at 60, 70, 80.

 Ami: Anyway, I remember being astonished by a body that lasts only for 100 years. 
 Me: Why were bodies such as ours created? 
 Ami: To reincarnate in short cycles that let humans experience as many lives as possible. In other words, human bodies have short lifespans so that they can be reborn, experience life, and reflect on their lives more often. After some time, I became very impressed with Earth's well-thought-out original system. 

 Me: Huh? I don't understand. What you’re saying isn’t scientific at all. It’s total nonsense! 
 Ami: Hahaha, that's why Earth's science is at an elementary level. Earthlings believe in their scientific knowledge above all else (Earthlings believe in scientific omnipotence), thinking they have the highest intelligence, but that is simply arrogance.

Socrates 469 B.C. - 399 B.C. "I know that I know nothing." 

Ami: Even the words of Socrates 2400 years ago are not understood at all ♡. It's no wonder you all are considered to be at an elementary level.


Helen Keller (1880-1968)
We could never learn to be brave and patient if there were only joy in the world.

Me: If reincarnation exists, why did Helen Keller suffer blindness, muteness, and deafness at one year old? Was that just an accident? 

Ami: We can all imagine how difficult it was for Helen Keller, who could not see, hear, or speak. However, she overcame it with Professor Sullivan and was accepted into the women's division of Harvard University at the age of 19, and since then she has become a star of hope for many people around the world ♡
As the Japanese TV drama said, “God will not give you a trial that you cannot overcome,'' and Helen Keller's soul understood everything and took up residence in her body. It wasn't a coincidence that she met Dr. Sullivan; they both swore to this plan in heaven before they were born.

"Never could we learn to be brave and patient, if there were only joy in the world." (Helen Keller)

The more you can overcome adversity that seems impossible, the more you can give other people hope for life, and the more you can lead to your own spiritual growth ♡


 Me: I've heard this world is a virtual world, is that true? 
 Ami: This world is physical, but it's a "temporary world." Heaven is called the ‘real world’ and if you look at the long history of the soul, we spend more time in heaven. 

 Me: Are you able to contact people in heaven, Ami? 
 Ami: Yes, it’s not like I just decided to send you to Earth on my own. I’ve also been in contact with people in heaven.

Me: What kind of people are in heaven? 
Ami: Famous figures like Jesus, Moses, Buddha, Muhammad, Confucius, Zeus, and many many others are working together to make Earth a planet of love.

Ami: I'm going to contact an old friend today! 
 Me: Wow, a new alien! Can't wait.
Mr. Cell: Hello Ami, long time no see!


Me: Ahhh! He looks violent and scary!
Ami: Hahaha, he's a member of the Space Union, a child of God, and a nice guy from a planet that became a planet of love a long time ago ♡ 
He is a wonderful person full of love.

 Mr. Cell: Are you from Earth? That sounds nostalgic.
In my past life, billions of years ago, when the earth was still a red-hot ball of fire, I cooperated with others to improve the earth's environment.

Ami: When the Earth's surface was hot, insect-like aliens like Cell were more active, so they cooperated behind the scenes to improve the Earth's environment.

 Me: Truly unconditional love! Yet many earthlings believe that aliens will attack us. I’m sorry, Mr. Cell.
 Mr. Cell: It's okay, no problem at all.
I hope Earthlings can graduate from being an elementary level planet and work with us for the sake of the universe. See you!

See you later!


Me: Is it true that many aliens are currently watching over Earth?  
Ami: Yes, Earth has failed many times to become a planet of love. Many aliens are holding their breath, hoping that it succeeds this time. 

 Me: Failed many times? What do you mean? 
 Ami: Earthlings have repeatedly failed to become a planet of love. As a result, catastrophic natural disasters have sunk continents and tsunamis have ended civilizations. Then, humanity starts again from scratch by building new civilizations and trying again. This is the current state of Earth. 

 Me: So things like Noah's Ark are real... So, Earthlings will be reborn again and again until they manage to complete the challenge of becoming a planet of love.

Me: What will happen to our understanding of science if the Earth becomes a planet of love?

Ami: At that time, our alien friends will begin to send inspiration to the scientists on Earth. Through this inspiration, humanity will be able to create many new inventions including the technology to travel to space. Nowadays, it is forbidden to send inspiration for space travel to you barbaric earthlings because it would be very bad if you earthlings were to invade space. That's why it's important for the Earth to become a planet of love ♡.


Ami: Oh, I forgot, we will arrive on Earth tomorrow ♡ 
Me: Please don't forget the absolutely most important thing to me. But, anyway, thank you for everything up until now. 
Ami: I had fun being with you, big brother. Thank you.
Me: I'm tired for today, I'll go to sleep first. Goodnight.

 Me: What! This is a familiar park in Japan. I woke up from a nap on a park bench on a warm afternoon. Only an hour has passed since I dozed off! Was everything I experienced all a dream? Ami! If you see me, show me a sign!


