
This world is a virtual world. We are living in the Virtual world.


He is Elon Musk in USA.
Elon Musk also says We are living in a simulation.


This is 3D open world video game "The Legend of Zelda: Breath of Wild" .

I can operate this character freely. He can go anywhere and fly.
This video game is very realistic.
When he meet the monster, I have to fight against the monster.
It's very exciting. It's like a real world. 
So I found this is a virtual world made by Nintendo.

"Splatoon 2" is an online network shooting video game.
In this video game 8 people fight freely in 4 vs 4 in the internet. 
This is also a virtual world made by Nintendo.

The three-dimensional world we live in today is a virtual world made by God.


I will tell you the reasons. Everything connects when you are done watching.

Act 1.  Fidget spinner


 Fidget spinners are rotating for a long time.  But  any fidget spinners cannot rotate forever.  Because they lost their energy. It's matter of course. It's quite natural. Please remember fidget spinners.

We are consist of atoms.
In the atoms, electron nucleus are rotating around the atomic nucleus very very fast speed.


Speaking comparison and ratio,
If atomic nucleus is a baseball ball, electron nucleus is rotating around a base ball ground that is 90 meters long.


If I have very very accurate and precise eyes, I can see the scenery like this.
Because we are consist of atoms, and atom is almost nothing.
A lot of nothing is nothing. So this is the true figure of us.

At the end of the movie Matrix, Neo was killed by his enemy. After that Neo had awaken again. Neo watched the scenery like this.
I think this is the true figure of us.

I said this world is a virtual world. This is one evidence.



The Earth is rotating in daily rotation.
The speed is 1,674km/h.(=1,040 mile/h)
Then, speed of sound is 1,225km/h. This is Mach 1. (=761 mile/h)

So I found the Earth is rotating faster than speed of sound.
It's amazing!


And the Earth is rotating around the Sun in yearly rotation. revolution.
The speed is 107,280 km/h (=66,660 mile/h).  It's much much faster than daily rotation.
It's surprising.

I think solar system is like a family.

240km/s =149mile/s
= 864,000km/h =536,864mile/h

In addition solar system is rotating around the galaxy.
The speed of solar system is 240km/s. Only one second!
In other words, the speed of solar system is 864,000 km/h. 
It's incredible!

Then Light speed is 299,792km/s. (=186,282mile/s)
So I found the speed of solar system is 0.08% of Light speed.
It's mysterious!

I have touched a lot to watch this you tube.
This is so beautiful and wonderful.
I think this is a true figure. 
Because life is spirals.
Life is vortex, not just rotation.
Roses is also vortex.
Galaxy is also vortex.
DNA double helix is also vortex.
This is golden ratio, Fibonacci.

It's impressive! 
This system was made by God.
Because God is the greatest artist in the Universe.

I have  questions.
In the atoms, electron nucleus is rotating around the atomic nucleus.
In the solar system, the Earth is rotating around the sun.
Where do the energy come from?


Any fidget spinner cannot rotate forever.
But the Earth and electron nucleus are rotating almost forever, Why?
It's a very very Big questions.


The Earth is moving in three axes. But I cannot feel any speed of the Earth, Why. It's mysterious!


Why is the Sun burning in nuclear fusion almost forever?


Our science cannot answer these questions.


Old Greece philosopher Socrates (469B.C. - 399B.C.).
He answered 2400 years ago.
I know that I know nothing.
I think this is a one kind of the answer.

Our science cannot answer these questions.
But nowadays many human beings believe our science knows everything.
I don't think so.
Many people become arrogant.
I think we human beings should be more modest and humble.
And we should remember Socrates word's I know that I know nothing.



Albert Einstein is the one of the Greatest scientist.
He sent a letter to his daughter.
And the letter was opened, after twenty years later he died in 1975.

The letter says,
We are living for Love, and we finish our lives for Love.
Love is God, God is Love.
Love has no limits, so he got the conclusion that Love is the greatest power in the universe.

I hit upon a Good idea.
This is my opinion.
Because of the energy of God's love, our electron nucleus are moving around atomic nucleus, the Earth is moving around the Sun thank to the energy of God's love, and the sun is burning almost forever owing to the energy of God's love.

I said this world is a virtual world. 
Then the real world is heaven.
Because when I die, my spirit get out of my body.
And my spirit will go to Heaven or Hell. So I believe the real world is Heaven.

Next, I want to talk about monotheism and Polytheism.

By the way, my parents are Christian. But I am not a Christian.
But I like Jesus Christ a lot. 
I like to learn many religions and philosophies.
For example, I like to learn Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Japanese  Shintoism, old Greek philosophies, and old Chinese philosophies.
I picked up good points from these religions and philosophies.

And I got a inspiration.
I made my own theory.

Monotheism believe Only One God.
On the contrary, Polytheism believe lots of Gods.

Monotheism believe Only One God.
For example, Jew, Christianity, and Islam believe Only One God.


He is Moses. He talked with Yahweh (YHWH).


He is Jesus Christ. He talked with heavenly father.
Yahweh and heavenly father are same God.


He is Muḥammad. So I don't have any picture of Muhammad.
Because Islam prohibit idol and picture.

Muḥammad talked with Allah.
Allah, heavenly father, and Yahweh are same God.
Just a difference of the name.

These three religions believe Only One God.
I feel very sad. Because these three religions fight each other.
For example Jew vs Islam, or Christianity vs Islam.

I believe Only One God wish they don't fight each other.
And Only One God wish they cooperate each other.

Anyway they believe Only One God.

Next is polytheism. For example Hinduism, Buddhism and Japanese Shintoism.


Hinduism believe a lot of Gods.


Similarly, Buddhism believe a lot of Gods.


This is Japanese Shintoism.
They are all the Gods. Japanese Shinto started 2600 years ago.
Japanese Shinto says there are 8 million Gods.
8 million means infinite.
I think 8 million Gods means all humans, animals, plants, even minerals have a God sense.



They are old Greek Gods.
For example, Zeus, Apollo and Athena, they are all the Greek Gods.


They are old Greek philosopher, Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle believed in Greek Gods 2300 years ago.




They are Adam and Eve.
It is said because of them, we human beings are children of sin.
But I don't think so. Because if my parents are criminal, I'm not criminal.
And they are very very old ancestors of us. 
So we don't need to be a children of sin.


Sikhism says that all human beings are Children of God.
I agree to Sikhism.
And Japanese Shinto says there are 8 million Gods.
8 million Gods means all humans, animals, plants, and even minerals have a God sense.
So I believe all human beings are children of God.

I tell you a reason why humans are children of God?


Because our human's systems are very very complicated.
We have two cameras, two microphones, one speaker.
And we have memory and hard disk in our brain.
We can walk, read and write.
So our human systems are very very superior to super computer.

Our human system cannot be made by accident or by chance.


Our organs are also very complex.
So our human body was made by God.
And our true figure is a spirit.

Our spirits are very very superior to artificial intelligence, AI.
Because our spirits have free will.
Our spirit lives forever.
And I believe our spirits were divided from the God.
So we all human beings are the children of God.


This is DNA double helix.
This is really region of God.


He is Confucius.  He was born in Chana 2500 years ago.
He said Confess your ignorance, and you will escape ignorance.
In other words, the true knowledge is we should admit what we don't know.

He said like Socrates in China almost the same age. It's mysterious.
Anyway we should remember Socrates and Confucius words.
We human beings should be modest and humble.

Act 2.

This is your body. I get into your body. Then many cell work in your body.
She is red blood. He is white blood corpuscle. The girl is blood platelet.


It's a very interesting concept. 
Many Japanese physical doctor recommend to watch this anime.
Because we can learn our body easily.

He is a commander in your brain.
This is your body like a world.

He is Tengu virus. He is pylori virus like a monster.
Many cells are suffered from these virus.
He is acnes virus.
At last white blood attack to the virus and we get a happy end.

This is cells at work.
37 trillion cells work in your body.
I found my body is a small cosmos, or small universe.


37 trillion cells work in your body.
Similarly, 7 billion human beings are living on the Earth.

I think each of human beings are one of the cells of the Earth.


 So I found the relationship between cell at work and humans are same between humans and the Earth.

Japanese Shinto says 8 million Gods. 8 million Gods means all humans, animals, plants, and even minerals have a God sense.
So I found the Earth itself has a God sense like us.


His name is Spinoza. He is one of the greatest philosopher.
He was born in Netherlands 17th century.
He said in Pantheism.
All of the things have a God in the world.

He said like Japanese Shinto.


Albert Einstein said the law of nature is God, and the job of scientist is to solve the law of nature.

So I found. The Earth is a life form like us.
And the Earth has a consciousness like us.


One man asked to me. Where is the mouth on the Earth?
The Earth don't need to have a mouth. 
Because when the Earth and the Sun want to communicate, they use telepathy. 
Nowadays we human beings cannot use telepathy, just it.

The Earth is moving very very fast speed, so sphere is the best shape.
The Earth make a gravity, so sphere is the best shape.

So I found. The Earth is a life form like us.
And the Earth has a consciousness like us.

From the view of macrocosm, the Earth is a one of the cells of the universe.


He is an old Roman Empire Caesar Marcus Aurelius Antonius.
He is stoicism. 

He said  "Always consider the world as a life with an entity and a soul".


He is also Roman Empire Caesar, Cicero.
He said " The world itself is God. The world made a lot of spirits of his own.

I hit upon a good idea. This is my opinion.
The biggest and greatest God is Universe itself.

This greatest God, Universe created man in his image. I show you the evidence. This is Bible.

Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness,..." So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.

This is true.

So I found the relationship between cell at work and humans are same between humans and the Earth. 
In addition between the Earth and the universe.

Universe is a fractal structure.


The biggest and greatest God is universe. This is monotheism.

The Earth is a part of the universe. We human being are a part of the Earth. 
Cell at work is a part of human. They are lots of Gods, Polytheism.

The greatest God, Universe created man in his image.

God itself is the energy of love.
My Electron nucleus get the energy of God's love. All substance get the energy of God's love. Solar system move around the galaxy in 240km/s. 
Energy of God's love is filled with everywhere in the Universe.
God is Love. Love is God. God itself is the energy of love.


Next is The Big Bang.
Universe started from Big Bang 13.8 billion years ago.

Bible says "In the beginning was the Word".
Another version says "in the beginning the Word existed".

The spirit of Universe wished to reborn as universe.

The biggest and greatest God is universe.
Because of the energy of God's love our electron nucleus is moving around the atomic nucleus. The Earth is moving around the Sun thanks to the energy of God's love. The Sun is burning almost forever owing to the energy of God's love. 

Japanese Shinto says there are 8 million Gods.
So all of human being, animals, plants and even minerals are children of God.
And the Earth and the Sun are also children of God.
The Earth gives us the environment to train for us in this virtual world on the Earth.

Both monotheism and polytheism are collect.
I tell you the reason.


Please watch whole picture.
The biggest and greatest God is universe.
This is monotheism.

Please watch right half.
The galaxy, the sun, the earth, humans, animals, plants, and minerals, all of them are divided from the Universe. There are lots of children of God.
This is Polytheism.

From one point of view, this is only One God.
From another point of view, there are lots of God ( 8 million Gods).
So monotheism and polytheism are the same thing.
Just a different of point of view.

opposite sides to the same coin
So it's ridiculous to fight each other because of the difference of religion.
Because we ourselves came from one point "big bang" "universe".
All of us are connected each other. All of us are Children of God. 

Act 3.


He is one of the greatest soccer player "Messi".
This sentence means "story of Messi" "legend of children of God".
Japanese people often accept this sentence "children of God".

I want to say this simple syllogism for Japanese people.
First, Messi is children of God.
Second, Messi is a human.
In conclusion,  humans are children of God.

From the view of Big Bang, we are divided from the Universe.
So all of human beings are children of God.

Next is reincarnation.

Everything is connected by reincarnation.
Our sprits lives forever like spiral.


Old Greek philosopher, Plato believed in reincarnation 2300 years ago.

Hinduism in India.

Our true figure is spirit. 
Our human's body is used on the training in this virtual world.
Our human's body is like a vessel.

My spirit get into my body. Each of us are training in this virtual world on the Earth.


When I die, my spirit get out of body. My spirit will go to Heaven or Hell.
I said Heaven is the real world. 
So after I come back to Heaven, I remember all my memory.
I stay in Heaven for several hundred years.
After that I reborn on the Earth again.

Then I erase all my memory. I try new challenge and difficult challenge.
I get rid of my bad karma.
If I have all my memory, it's very easy to solve my difficult challenges and new challenges. I easily get rid of my bad karma.
So I dare to erase all my memory.
But my subconsciousness have all my memory.
But I cannot connect my subconsciousness.
So I cannot remember anything.

Heaven is the real world. We learn a lot in the Heaven for several hundreds years.
After that we take a test in this virtual world on the Earth.
So this virtual world is very very important. 
And this virtual world is a test site.

If I did very very bad things, after I die, I will go to Hell.
In the Hell I repent and regret a lot in pure heart for a long time.
After that I will come back to the Heaven again. 
After I stay in Heaven for several hundreds years, I reborn on the Earth again.
So I come back to reincarnation system again.
This is the mercy of God.

 I come back to Heaven. I reborn on the Earth, come bake to Heaven, reborn on the Earth. 
So we repeat this cycle many many times. 
For example we reborn for several hundred times, or several thousands times.

God wish that our spirits improve like spirals, like solar system.
But our spirits have free will. If I don't want to improve my spirit.
It's OK. But we have to reborn again and again.
Because reincarnation is the rule of this Earth.
God is just watching for us to improve our spirits.

If my sprit become like a Apollo, Socrates or Confucious in higher rank spirits, my sprit get out of this reincarnation system.
But my spirit is very low rank, so I have to reborn again and again to learn a lot. Gods is just watching for us to improve our spirits.

※ Human beings reborn as only human definitely.

My soul watches the movie of my life.
Then you decide for yourself whether to go to heaven or hell. God does not judge.

New International Version
7:2 For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.


They are demon slayers. 
The box office of demon slayers movie is No.1 in Japan ever.
Demon slayers was 120 years ago.


They were demons. They were very very bad guys.
Because they killed many people and they eat many people.
After they were killed, they would go to Hell directly.

But even demons, they were originally human like this.


After he was killed, he would go to Hell directly.
In the Hell, If he repent and regret what he did in pure heart for many long years, he come back to the Heaven again.
This is the mercy of God.

But some of demons are very difficult to repent and regret what they did.
If demon cannot repent in the Hell, they have to stay in the Hell forever until they come to repent and regret what they did.


Demon slayers was 120 years ago.
This is the final episode of demon slayer.
Nowadays reincarnation sometimes appears in Japanese anime and comics.

Last I show you three example of reincarnation.

In the reincarnation, we reborn in different times, different place and nations, and different languages.


This is USA 200 years ago.
The white bullied against blacks a lot. So this white got a lot of bad karma.
But this white never killed any blacks.

After this white died, he would go to Heaven.
Next life after heaven this white reborn as blacks.
There are two reasons.
One reason is this white wanted to get rid of his bad karma.
Another reason is this white wanted to know the feeling of blacks.
So next life after heaven this white reborn as blacks.


They are very very good mother and daughter.
This girl really appreciate for her mother.
So this girl really wanted to take care of her mother.
After they died, next life after heaven.


That girl become a mother. She had a baby.
This baby is a former mother.
So the position is changed.


They are very very good brother, until they become aged.


Next life after heaven
They reborn in different countries, different races, different religions.


After that, they fight each other.
It's ridiculous, because they were originally a good brother in the former life.
But they erase their memory. It's ridiculous.

If we human beings know reincarnation, all of human beings are children of God, and because of the energy of God's love, our electron nucleus is moving around atomic nucleus, 
we human beings should understand it's ridiculous to fight each other.

Then we come to understand that we human beings should cooperate each other.

Before, I mentioned that this world is a virtual world

Every individual must face their own challenges and face their unresolved karma.

It is when we human beings overcome war, discrimination, and economic disparity that we will complete this virtual world.

Consequently, we as humans of the Earth will level up and our world will become a planet of love.

I have my own challenges and karma. You have your own challenges and karma.
We human beings have the challenge to turn the Earth into a planet of love.

After that, the Universe will improve in accordance with humanity's progress. That is God's wish.
Thank you!

I really recommend short story "A planet without money".

Reasons for the frequent occurrence of natural disasters
