



How IP Law provides "Offensive Right"

How IP Law provides "Offensive Right"

Many people have come to us with an invention or idea, asking if there was some easier and quicker way to protect their invention in the several IP protection methods.

IP right as a form of protectio

Trademark is super mark in the business field!

Trademark is super mark in the business field!

Trademarks comprise the most familiar of intellectual property law.
On a daily basis, every sees, uses, and makes many decisions on the basis of trademarks.
For instance, you probably decide to purcha

Do you know what kind of an invention can be granted as a Patent?

Do you know what kind of an invention can be granted as a Patent?

An invention, whether a jet plane, cellphone, or watermelon, is not really an invention unless it is new.
But workers sometimes engage in a routine problem-solving, and their creations, even though th

What’s happen before and after filing Patent 
- Schedule before and after patent filing to PTO -

What’s happen before and after filing Patent - Schedule before and after patent filing to PTO -

You should know what is going on, an invention before and after the filing to PTO (Patent and Trademark Office).
The law describes the details of the process but let me simplify the process as much as
