

"The blog that raves about nerdy topics in the heart of Saitama".


【Musashi Owl supports the Tokyo Yakult Swallows in 2020 through the -"once again that strong era" project-】


Yakult Swallows in 2001⑧

日本プロ野球界最高峰のキャッチャー 古田敦也

Japan's most professional baseball catcher, Atsuya Furuta.


Titles that Mr.Furuta won .

首位打者 1回

Leading Batter (once)

ベストナイン 8回

Best Nine  (8 times)

最優秀選手 2回

Most Valuable Player (twice) 

✔実働年数  14年

Working years: 14 

試合 1733

Games :1733

打数 6221

Batting Seat Count : 6221

得点 889

Overall Score: 889

安打 1836

Hits :1836

二塁打 324

Double Base Hits : 324

三塁打 19

Triple Base Hits: 19

本塁打 188

Home Runs :188

打点 889

RBI : 889

盗塁 68

Steals : 68

打率 .295

Batting Average : .295


Furuta has been a catcher since elementary school.



In his second year as professional baseball player, he was the top hitter. (.340)


In the All-Star Round 2 of 1992, he achieved an "all-star first" cycle hit and earned MVP.


He got MVP when he won the 1993 league, as well as (also) MVP for both the official game and the Japanese series in 1997!!




Musashi Owl, a Yakult Swallows big fan for many years, had called  Furuta a "Yakult Superman."(´∀`*)ウフフ

to be continued...

see you
