尾道と近郊市、今は昔 (29) 尾道帆布(株) in 尾道市  Once upon a time in Onomichi & Neighboring (29) Onomichi Hanpu Co., Ltd. in Onomichi city

* 内 容:尾道帆布㈱ in 尾道市、戦前からの綿織布製造と撚糸、整径、織布。
* これは1999からの尾道と近郊市の産業と人々の記録です。 
* 尾道ケーブルテレビで過去に私が企画・制作・放送した番組内容(16分)
* 動画内容はすべて当時のもので、現在は変更されていることがあります
* この復刻版は(株)青藍と釜本事務所の提供でお届けします。

* Content: in Onomichi city, Onomichi Hanpu Co., Ltd.
  whose work has been cotton fabric manufacturing (yarn twisting,
  warp preparation, weaving) since before the WW Second.
  Previously aired on 2000.10.30
* This is a record of industries and people in Onomichi & neighboring
  cities since 1999.
* This is a series of 15-minute TV shows that I planned, produced, and
  broadcast on Onomichi Cable TV in the past.
* Please note that all the contents are current as of that time and
  may have been changed now.
* This reprinted show is presented to you courtesy of SEIRAN Corporation
  (Okayama, Shanghai) and OFFICE KTK.
