
Abnormal Scenes & Responses During a Visit to TV Tokyo

1. Introduction

On the early morning of March 5, 2018, I was subjected to psychological harassment involving sound and light at a hotel in Tokyo and a nearby convenience store.

Since then, I have experienced numerous abnormal incidents.

This report focuses on one of those incidents, specifically the events that occurred during my visit to TV Tokyo on October 31, 2018.

The purpose of my visit was to convey the inhumane treatment I was subjected to.

Lacking confidence in my ability to explain the situation clearly, I prepared a document in advance to present.

2. The Situation During the Visit

2-1. The State of the Lobby and the Receptionist's Response

In the lobby, there were two female receptionists and one security guard, but no security guard was present at the electronic gate leading to the elevator hall.

Besides myself, there was only one other outsider, a young man, whose presence I only noticed later.

The female receptionist responded rapidly, stating,
"If you don't have an appointment, you can't meet anyone,"
"You can't enter," and
"We can't accept anything,"

and handed me a slip of paper with the station's phone number.

From the way I was treated, it seemed clear that my visit had been anticipated, and preparations had been made to turn me away.

Indeed, when I saw the receptionist who attended to me, I had an instinctive feeling that she was not a legitimate representative of TV Tokyo but rather an impostor.

2-2. Abnormal Response Over the Phone

While I don’t recall the exact details of the conversation, there was a suggestion to connect me to the executive office.

The person I was connected to, was a woman, whom I believe was pretending to be a secretary.

However, during the call, the woman suddenly shouted hysterically,
in a loud voice.

As a result, I was not taken seriously, and after hanging up, I was left feeling helpless.

At that moment, the suspicious man who had been sitting nearby got up and left.

After that, I went to the restroom and then descended to the lower floor, but no one else entered or exited the building while I was there.

2-3. Points of Doubt

  • Is it normal for there to be no security guard at the entrance to the elevator hall?

  • Is it common for a secretary to emotionally exclaim, "Huh?"

  • Was the lobby reserved for specific individuals?

  • Was the phone call really connected to the executive office?

3. Subsequent Actions

3-1. Sending a Registered Mail (November 1, 2018)

I revised the document I intended to hand over on October 31, added details about the visit, and sent it via registered mail the next day.

The document at that time was even more immature than my current writing, and it may have contained details about torture and human experimentation that were difficult to believe.

There was no response.

3-2. Sending Another Registered Mail (January 7, 2019)

I sent another registered mail on January 7, 2019. Here is an excerpt:

In the materials I sent earlier, the actions of the organization and the objectives of the materials might lead you to think that I am mentally unwell. However, even if it takes a long time, at least some part of the truth may come to light, so I would appreciate it if you could just keep the documents without discarding them.

If you find the information credible and are short of hands for investigation, feel free to share it with newspapers or other stations.

Even back then, I was aware of the risks:

  • The risk that I might be perceived as mentally unstable

  • The possibility that my claims would not be immediately believed

  • The concern that it might be difficult for a single organization to handle this alone.

There was no response.

3-3. Sending a Third Registered Mail (September 1, 2020)

I also sent a registered mail on September 1, 2020.

Until this time, registered mails to TV Tokyo were addressed to "WBS News." My mental state was such that I couldn’t even determine the appropriate recipient.

To explain the gap between this and the previous mail (January 2019) in one word, it would be "despair."

The main points of the content I sent were as follows:

Despite low expectations, I relocated from Kawasaki City, Kanagawa Prefecture to Kashiwa City, Chiba Prefecture.

I am in a state where I cannot function normally.

I am constantly under the stress of being prepared for acts of torture and humiliation.

On November 12, 2019, I made an unannounced visit to the Totsuka Police Station, which has jurisdiction over the Sotetsu Hotel in Shinjuku (which ceased operations in August 2018) where I was subjected to psychological harassment on March 5, 2018, but preparations had been made to turn me away.

I requested an immediate response that does not dismiss the actual events and treats me as a mentally ill person, such as one with schizophrenia.

There was no response.

3-4. Further Actions

In April 2021, I sent registered mails to the news bureaus of key broadcasters in the Kanto region, including TV Tokyo.

In April and October 2022, I made appeals on Twitter (now X) and Note (using a different account or account name than the current one).

However, there was no response at all.

4. Discussion

It is certain that TV Tokyo was requested by someone to reserve the lobby during my visit on October 31, 2018.

There must be many people at TV Tokyo who are aware of this.

If there were people scheduled to enter the building through the lobby at the time of my visit, they may have been directed to use another route or time.

At the time of my visit, TV Tokyo might not have been aware of the unimaginable human rights violations I was suffering.

However, in the multiple registered mails sent afterward, I specified dates, locations, and provided detailed accounts to convey the severe circumstances I was facing.

When considering these details together with what happened in the lobby, they should have been able to recognize that something extraordinary was occurring.

5. Supplementary Note — The unusual scene at the nearest station to TV Tokyo

I believe I arrived at Roppongi-itchome Station, the nearest station to the Roppongi Grand Tower where TV Tokyo is located, around 11:30 a.m.

The morning rush hour should have long passed by then.

However, when I stepped onto the platform, the stairs and elevators were packed with what seemed to be a large number of businessmen.

I have seen groups of people in suits in various situations before.

I suspect that, just like how I felt in March 2018, the purpose was to make me mistakenly believe there were people trying to help me.

Had I been under that impression, I might have passed through the gate to the office, where no security guards were present.
