
"DON'T JUDGE ME!"フェミニズムは私たちの空気であってほしい|世界のフェミニズム・インタビュー連載「MIMOSA VOICE」

いろんな国の人にフェミニズムについて聞いてみたい!そんな想いから『MIMOSA VOICE』という連載名で、世界中の人にフェミニズムについてインタビューをする連載マガジンを始めました。





Regarding the gender gap, what situations or events in your daily life make you feel uncomfortable or angry?

I want to share your voice with the world.What are your thoughts and opinions on gender issues and feminism?

What kind of future do you want for the next generation?
























English Ver

"DON'T JUDGE ME!" I want feminism to be our air | World feminism interview series ”MIMOSA VOICE”

I want to ask people from various countries about feminism! With this in mind, I have decided to publish a series of articles (on an irregular basis) in which I interview people from all over the world about feminism under the series name "MIMOSA VOICE."

We will prepare three questions regarding feminism and ask people of various nationalities to answer them.Each person's values are different. Different nationalities have different ways of thinking and opinions.

However, I started this series because I wanted to visualize a world where everyone has the same goal: to create a society where everyone can live freely in their own way, without being bound by masculinity or femininity.

I would be happy if you could hear the voices of friends who view differences in an interesting way, nod to words they can empathize with, and work together to create a happy world!

<Question details>
Regarding the gender gap, what situations or events in your daily life make you feel uncomfortable or angry?

I want to share your voice with the world. What are your thoughts and opinions on gender issues and feminism?

What kind of future do you want for the next generation?


Name:(Jo minsoo(korean name) /Zoey(English name))

───Regarding the gender gap, in what situations or events do you feel discomfort or anger on a daily basis?

Korea is a country where discrimination based on appearance, commonly known as lookism (the belief that a person's value is determined by their appearance), is deeply rooted, and it makes me feel suffocated. In Korea, women are pressured to have big eyes, a high nose, a small face, and a slim, curvy body as the ideal of beauty.

These ideals are propagated through corporate advertisements, commercials, social media, schools, and within families, and women are constantly pressured to "be more beautiful" and to "act feminine, gentle, and modest."

For instance, plastic surgery. In Korea, few people take plastic surgery seriously, and especially when facing major life events such as job hunting or entering school, people often suggest, "Your eyes are small, you should get double eyelid surgery," or "Your nose is too big, why not get it fixed?" When I express discomfort about this, they say, "I’m saying this for your own good!"

In fact, my mother even suggested I get plastic surgery. I felt very shocked, as if she was denying my existence. Does she dislike my face? I am satisfied with my face and don't think I need surgery.

But this is not just my personal problem. In Korea, parents casually recommend plastic surgery to their children too. My mother might have said it for my sake, but I wanted her to say, "You are beautiful just the way you are."

───I want to share your voice with the world. What are your thoughts and claims regarding gender issues and feminism?


Don’t judge my body.If I could endlessly convey my voice to the world, I would shout this out.

I have three aunts who live in Korea, Japan, and the United States. My aunts in Korea and Japan always comment on my weight and body shape. "You should lose some weight," "You won't get a boyfriend like this." I know they deeply love and worry about me.

But it's none of their business. I might be fat, but that's not all there is to me. I can write, I’m good at crafts and cooking, I speak English, and I can assert my opinions clearly. I have many facets.

As if understanding this, only my aunt in America never says anything about my body shape. Seeing Westerners, I can understand why—no matter their age or body shape, they enjoy their fashion freely. Middle-aged women wear sexy clothes, and overweight people wear bikinis without being stared at. I envy the culture that doesn’t obsess over appearances.

Because if I did the same thing in Korea, I would be mocked as "embarrassing" or "weird," or even be stormed with insults like "stop dressing like that at your age" or "don’t show so much skin." There’s a demand for faces, body shapes, and fashion like those of idols, models, and actresses, and those who don’t fit are branded as ugly or fat.

Therefore, I think many women undergo excessive plastic surgery and dieting. Is that really okay? I feel suffocated living in a society where women must endure pressure to conform to "how women should be."

Basically, what my body shape, face, or clothes look like are none of my business. It’s very rude to easily judge or interfere with others based on their appearance, let alone hurl abuse.

When I express such views, people ask, "Are you a feminist? Do you hate men?" But if you look up feminism in a dictionary, it doesn’t mean "man-hater," and I have male friends I get along with and don’t hate them. I just want to advocate for women's rights and freedom.

In Korea, feminism is a very sensitive topic, and people avoid raising their voices, but I think women should speak up more. Even if pressured by the surroundings to be "softer" or "more gentle and kind," don’t silence your voice. Don’t be afraid to say what you want to say. To make a world where everyone can proudly say, "We are beautiful just the way we are."

───What kind of future do you want to leave for the next generation?

I hope for a society where there is no need to shout feminism. The feminist ideology, which aims for a society where both men and women can live without discrimination and oppression, is something essential for living as a human being, like "air." It’s a right that everyone should naturally and equally enjoy without having to assert it. Therefore, I hope feminism becomes our air.

I wish for a future where a world without gender discrimination becomes the norm.
