




言葉による戦争が起こっているんじゃないか、と思うほど見ていて苦しくなるやり取りに、そっと距離を置いていました。フェミニズムによって世界は分断している── そう認識してしまったのです。










そう自分の中に落とし込めたとき、もう憎悪は生まれませんでした。これまで女性として生きる中で抱いていたモヤモヤ、男性への怒り、理不尽な社会への憤りが、スッと消え(もちろん嫌なことがあればいつだって怒るけれど)、残ったのは、” 共に手を取り合いたい "という気持ちでした。

この世界が「女だけ・男だけのもの」ではないように。フェミニズムは "女だけのもの" ではないのです。もちろん、”男だけのもの” でもありません。ジェンダーによる生きづらさは、男も女もみんなで変えていく「みんなのもの」だったのです。







要は、この分野に足を踏み入れることに、” 怖さ ”を感じているのです。








性別も、世代も、肩書きも、国籍も、障がいの有無も関係なく、ただ”共に手を取り合って変えていきたいよね” と言う仲間と共にハッピーな人生を送りたい。そんな思いを込めて、日本で生活をしている一人の女性の、ちっぽけな、でも確かな” 声 ”を届けます。































これは海外ドラマ「The Bold Type」の全52話を見終えたあとに、ひとりぼそっと呟いた言葉です。

「The Bold Type(日本での題:NYガールズ・ダイアリー 大胆不敵な私たち)」は、2017年から2021年にかけてアメリカで放送されたテレビドラマ。




“I expect you to have adventures.I expect you to fall in love; to get your hearts broken.I expect you to have sex with the wrong people. To have sex with the right people.To make mistakes and make amends. Take a leap and make a splash.And I expect you to unleash holy hell on anybody who tries to hold you back.Because you don’t just work for Scarlet. You are Scarlet.






『The Bold Type』第一話




I am feminist.

The Bold Typeに登場する女性たちの姿に、涙するほど心を打たれた理由。それは、生まれて初めて「フェミニズム」という概念に触れエンパワーメントされたからでした。


眠っていたパワーをどれほど呼び起こされたことか。The Bold Typeを通じて思いがけず、女性をエンパワーメントするfeministの意味を知れた。そのことは「女性である自分を心の底から肯定する」経験そののもであり、「声を上げれば社会は変わるかもしれない」という可能性を抱かせてくれました。































































子どもの頃から浴びてきた言葉のシャワーによって、私たちは ”男らしく" "女らしく" 徐々になっていくということ。そうして、男たるもの・女たるもの「こうしなければならない」「こうあるべき」という檻に入れられがんじがらめにされ、分断が起き、格差が広がり、さらに分断が起きる。





















世界中のいろんな女性の生き方を書き、選択肢を届けることで、同じように生きづらい想いをしている人の救いになれたなら─── そして自分自身のことも、その一人として救ってあげられたなら。







私は、あなたと、世界中の人と、”共に手を取り合って変えていきたいよね” と言い合いながら、ハッピーな人生を送りたいなと思っています。





















***English ver***

"Maybe I'm a feminist..."

The moment I realized this, I was overcome with excitement and fear and anxiety.

The reason is that I had an unhappy image of feminism. What I see in the Japanese language, especially on social media, is that the slander against feminists has become more extreme, and people are stabbing each other with sharp words like knives and bleeding each other. The pointless arguments don't stop.

I quietly distanced myself from the exchange, which was so painful to watch that I thought there was a war of words going on. I realized that feminism is dividing the world.

Even though I didn't post on social media, I did share my true feelings with my close friends and partner.

“It’s the women who are the victims of gender discrimination, right?”
"Why do women always have to put up with it?"

I was always angry and resentful.

It is true that there is a disparity between men and women, and that men are given preferential treatment. But on the other hand, I only insisted on what I could see and feel, and failed to recognize serious and important facts.

Just as I feel angry about all kinds of events because I'm a woman, the fact is that men also faced difficulties in their lives due to their masculinity. I learned this while discussing gender with my partner. It was the first time I had ever known him when he confided in me, with tears in his eyes, his weakness, as I used the pain of being a victim as a shield to fight for justice.

"Oh... I see..." I was so shocked that I felt like I was falling to my knees. I thought, ``Maybe my father, my younger brother, my male friends, my male co-workers,'' and I realized that there were many faces that came to mind.

If women are told that they should do housework and childcare, they are told that men should earn money. ``Men must be strong!'' ``I'm a boy, so don't cry!'' ``How about I act like a man?'' They grew up with these ideas and words ingrained in their mind and body, and when things get really tough, they want to rely on others. Will he be able to confess his weaknesses? I wonder if I'll have to deal with it all by myself.

I started studying to understand both the difficult lives of women and the difficult lives of men, and when I learned about the structure of society, I was able to incorporate ``feminism'' in its true meaning into my body for the first time.

Feminism is a concept that has the power to lift the curses of ``femininity'' and ``masculinity'' and change the world so that everyone can live their lives in a way that allows their individuality and potential to flourish.

When I was able to internalize this, hatred no longer arose. All the misgivings I had felt while living as a woman, the anger towards men, and the resentment towards an unreasonable society quickly disappeared (of course I always get angry when something bad happens), and what remained was the feeling of ``Together Hands''. I wanted to compete for the same.

So that this world is not just for women or men. Feminism is not just for women. Of course, it's not just for men. The difficulty of life due to gender was something that everyone, both men and women, could change.

For a long time, I had a misunderstanding of feminism and was unable to grasp its essence.

Now I can proudly say that I am a feminist.

By learning about the concept of ``feminism,'' I believe that it is okay to expand one's potential and live energetically ``not like a woman, but like oneself.''

In the same way, I sincerely wish for my partner of the opposite sex, my father, my younger brother, and my close male friends and acquaintances to live their lives ``not like men, but like themselves'' and to lead happy lives beyond that. I am.

This is an essay that describes my current honest feelings about feminism. To be honest, even as I write this, I still feel that gender and feminism are things that I shouldn't talk about based on half-baked knowledge or feelings, and that I don't want to be the target of slander... I am clearly aware of my evasive nature.

I'm not an expert, and even though I've been learning from books since I first became interested, my input may be subjective and biased.

In short, I feel "fearful" about stepping into this field.

Still, there were many times when I thought, ``Huh? Isn't something strange?'' I often find myself thinking, ``Isn't it better to change this?''

I can no longer live my life by saying, ``No, it's not strange'' or ``That's just the way the world is.'' I decided to face feminism in accordance with my desire to live my life by listening to my heart.

I feel like the more you treat something like a boil, the more you shut your mouth about it because it's easy to catch fire, the more you pay to keep a lid on something that stinks. Isn't it extremely irresponsible to turn a blind eye to this enormous bomb that is about to explode and pass it on to the next generation without taking any action? Even as I say this, the bomb inside me feels like it's about to explode... I will write about my life that led me to believe that I might be a feminist, while also incorporating my personal struggles.

I don't want to declare war on the world or vent my frustrations.

Still, I'm human, so I get angry. It hurts when you get hurt. Even if I'm a woman, I don't want to try to fool myself by acting like a lady. Rather, they become assertive and aggressive.

I seriously want to live in a society where I, my partner, my friends, and the children I might have in the future (regardless of gender) don't have to give up or put up with anything just because I'm a woman or because I'm a man. Making a wish is not a dream, a story from a distant world, or someone else's problem, but a serious reality in real life.

Some people may disagree with me in writing this. But I also know that there are definitely friends all over the world who support my courage to write with determination. I do not live to persuade and convince detractors.

Regardless of gender, generation, title, nationality, or disability, I just want to live a happy life with friends who say, ``We want to join hands and change things together.'' With this in mind, we will deliver the small but reliable voice of a woman living in Japan.

This may have been the seed of ``feminism'' that was sleeping inside me.

When I was in the lower grades of elementary school, I admired the older sister who was in the 6th grade at the same swimming school as me, and I would always walk by the pool with her behind me like a baby chick. When I started playing basketball, I was loved by an older sister who was one year older than me and looked after me because of my cool playing style. In middle school and high school, there was always an older sister/senior whom I looked up to and said, ``I want to go home with you,'' ``I want to talk to you more,'' ``I want to be like her, too!'' and even now, I can always picture her face. Masu.

I admired not only the people around me, but also women from the world of movies and TV dramas. In terms of Ghibli movies, it's Kiki and Osono from Kiki's Delivery Service. In the Disney movie, ``Ariel.''

I want to convey my intentions to those around me and do this! Even at a young age, I found courage in the sight of female characters who set out on their own path, and whenever I felt down, I would look back at my works to cheer myself up.

When I became a high school student, I became attracted to the works of a certain female artist.

This is Kanako Nishi.

I still vividly remember the first time I encountered her novel. When I was in high school, I watched the movie ``Yellow Zou'', based on the original story by Kanako Nishi, with a friend. On her way home, she casually stopped by a bookstore and learned that the original story of the movie she had just watched was written by a female author named Kanako Nishi.

Even as a high school student, I was moved by the content of the movie, so I want to read it! I bought it and went home. I think the reason why I was able to buy a book so quickly with so little pocket money was because I felt something. It was my first priority).

Since then, I have been reading her novels every day for over 10 years. The lives of the women who appear in the novel, and each word Nishi wrote, kept me alive. It may have been inevitable that I would encounter her work, as I was drowning in the irrational realities and hardships of life that were overwhelming me from my late teens to early twenties.

The cruelty and beauty of life penetrated my entire body, punched my heart, and overwhelmed me. I was completely enveloped in a story that affirms the very meaning of being alive and the love that shakes the world, and I felt at ease from the bottom of my heart. Every time I read her novels, I was brought back to life. Because he gave me the strength to live as myself.

At the same time, it was also about ``affirming myself as a woman in a world where there is gender disparity.''

It's okay to have days when you feel like quitting being a girl. However, I live happily and with pride and confidence in being a girl.

It was as if that was what he was saying.

Tears overflowed from her eyes, and even though she was sobbing and having trouble breathing, she made me think strongly, ``I will never give up on living as myself.'' It was the very heartbeat of life that could not be summarized by the words "self-identity."

A little off-topic, but I usually call myself a ``writer who tells people about how to live,'' and my job is to interview and write about the lives of all kinds of people, regardless of gender, generation, title, nationality, or disability. There is a great original experience behind me starting this work, but Kanako Nishi, who continues to write at the same time as me, has been and will continue to be the driving force behind my writing. Every time I read a new book, I hear the words of Mr. Nishi walking a few meters (actually, only hundreds of thousands of meters) ahead of me, as he lifts his pen and says, ``Let's write again,'' and ``I can write with more soul.'' It evokes the power to carry you forward.

Then, as I became a university student and a member of society, I began to pay more attention to the achievements of women in the past. In my daily life, I received energy and power from the female entrepreneurs depicted in morning dramas and the leading women in their fields.

There was a time when women were told that they didn't need to study.
A time when women did not have the right to vote.
There was a time when women were told that playing sports was a shame.
It was a time when it was not natural for women to go out into society and work.

I was shocked to learn that there was a time when she was told "no" just because she was a woman (she was blubbering in front of the TV saying things like "huh!?"). Because I was enjoying everything without question.

“That’s strange!!!” he exclaimed, “Greedy!”

"The Bold Type" (Japanese title: NY Girls Diary) is a television drama that aired in the United States from 2017 to 2021.

A story set in New York, USA, in which three millennial women who work at the global women's magazine Scarlet grow positively despite facing worries about work, career, love, sex, identity, sexuality, etc. is.

It's been described as a drama that's like SATC and The Devil Wears the Plaza and divided by two, but is it a romance? Is it work? It realistically depicts the struggle of modern women to customize their choices and carve out their own lives at their own timing, with their own ideas and values, by interweaving both, rather than being biased.

In episode 1, editor-in-chief Jacqueline gives a speech that symbolizes the drama.

“I expect you to have adventures.I expect you to fall in love; to get your hearts broken.I expect you to have sex with the wrong people. To have sex with the right people.To make mistakes and make amends. Take a leap and make a splash.And I expect you to unleash holy hell on anybody who tries to hold you back.Because you don’t just work for Scarlet. You are Scarlet.

“The Bold Type” Episode 1

Before I knew it, tears were rolling down my cheeks as I heard the words of a female leader who affirmed to me that it's okay to be imperfect and just look ahead and live freely.

Although she cries tears of frustration and despair when things don't go as planned, and sometimes goes crazy, she thinks freely, raises her voice, and takes her hand in the challenge. Seeing the unwavering strength of women of her generation made her feel warm in the pit of her stomach.

And that's what they call themselves over and over again.

I am feminist.

Why I was moved to tears by the women who appear in The Bold Type. This was because I was exposed to the concept of ``feminism'' for the first time in my life and felt empowered.

“I can be myself. I wasn’t wrong in feeling that life was difficult because I was a woman. I can do anything. I can live freely. I won’t let anyone get in my way. It's okay to raise your voice and say, ``Let's make a change'' together with people who share the same thoughts.''

How much dormant power was awakened? Through The Bold Type, I unexpectedly learned the meaning of being a feminist who empowers women. This was the experience of ``affirming who I am as a woman from the bottom of my heart,'' and it gave me the possibility that ``society might change if I raise my voice.''

that? It's kind of strange. In my late 20s, I started thinking more and more.
While I have been empowered by many different women, it is also true that as I get older, I find myself thinking more and more, ``Huh? That's weird.'' Maybe your path is blocked by the wall of “femininity”? I started noticing this when I was in my late twenties.

There is a wage disparity between men and women. Victims of sexual assault are overwhelmingly female. Despite the fact that the cause of the declining birthrate is due to political and social mechanisms, it can be concluded that ``women don't give birth.'' That way of thinking and saying things is so disrespectful. And a woman's body belongs to her, and she has the right to make choices.)

In other parts of the world, it is common for couples to choose their own surnames, but in Japan, selective separate surnames have not yet been passed, so in the case of a legal marriage, one of the husband and wife must change their name (actually, I don't want to change my surname). However, when I say that, I am often asked "why?" and I am at a loss, wondering if there is a reason why I don't want to change the name I have been using. Is that strange?)

Male students were given preferential treatment in medical school entrance exams. Women are expected and evaluated not on their work performance or ability, but on their youth, appearance, and caring for men (e.g., male politicians ``talk too much'' against female politicians, ``I don't look good'', etc.) Why do we focus on things that have nothing to do with our work or abilities? Why do we tell female ministers to ``exemplify the sensitivity and empathy that only a woman can have?'' Why not tell them that ``it's something only a man can do?'' ).

The fact that most of the members of the Diet are middle-aged men (the population is supposed to be evenly split between men and women, but it's too skewed...and yet, I had such an image of politicians being men that I didn't realize it was strange until recently...).

There are too few female managers and leaders compared to other countries around the world. Social issues that make it difficult for men to take childcare leave and make it difficult to raise children (My partner says that when he has a child, he wants to be present at the moment of his child's growth, when he stands, speaks, and walks for the first time. As a parent, this is a natural feeling. However, I wonder how many male parents in Japan are able to do that.

Women have to worry about their careers coming to an end when they take maternity or childcare leave (men rarely worry about their careers ending when they have children).

Sexual assaults occur so frequently on a daily basis that Japanese travel guidebooks overseas tell people to be careful about molesters (CHIKAN), and for some reason this is being ignored (women are (It's because she's wearing a skirt, or because she's wearing a skirt. It's up to the individual to decide what to wear, and no matter what the other person wears, it's not a reason to commit a crime.)

It seems endless as I write about it, but all of them have a huge impact on life-sustaining activities, from politics to work and childcare, and are interfering with real life. Moreover, when you reach your late 20s, society asks you, ``Are you going to get married? Or not?'' ``Are you going to have children? Or not?'' ``What will you do with your job/career/work style?''

Even if I wanted to choose, I couldn't.

Unless the structure of society changes, wouldn't we have no choice but to live in a situation where we are forced to do so?

In fact, ``masculinity and femininity'' are defined as ``(somehow) men should earn money'' and ``women should do housework and childcare (working is welcome, but only as long as it takes care of the house)''. Unless this disappears, I feel that it will be extremely difficult to be able to make choices at my own discretion. You can only choose between masculinity and femininity.

At present, I sometimes think like this.

If there is a wage disparity between men and women, and it is believed that the younger a woman is, the better it is, will she be able to become economically independent when she gets older and generally becomes an ``old lady''? Or, if you get married and have a child, but for some reason you have to raise the child by yourself, will you be able to raise the child without any inconvenience? Even if you and your partner are able to build a happy family, won't you be forced to put your career on hold and find it difficult to become financially independent? Are you able to do the work you love for as long as you want? If you choose a common-law marriage because you don't want to change your last name, won't it be a trade-off with something important? , even though I wish I could live without patience or compromise.)

You're taking yourself too seriously, you're exaggerating, life will be fine. You may be asked. However, everyone, regardless of gender, is seriously thinking about their retirement. If I weren't worried, I don't think the number of people in their 20s who start saving NISA from a young age would increase so much.

In addition, now that I know that there is a disparity between men and women, as a woman living my life, the logic that says, ``You don't have to worry so much about living'' seems to be broken.

"Magma-kun", a mass of anger and indignation, shows his face.
When I realized that what I had thought was strange, I screamed like a 2-year-old child, cried, and lashed out in shock.

Ever since I was a child, I have been naughty, I love to move my body, and I can be anything! That's what I thought. However, the reality is that people are subjected to sex discrimination just because they are women.

As an objective fact, according to the "Gender Gap Index 2023" released by the World Economic Forum (WEF) in June 2023, Japan's overall score was 0.647, ranking 125th out of 146 countries. It was the lowest among the major developed countries (G7).

*Gender gap refers to various disparities caused by differences between men and women.

When I learned the subjective and objective facts, I felt a surge of anger that even confused me. Even if I get angry, even if I get angry, it won't calm down. I can't accept the fact that I was a victim.

Damage may sound like an exaggeration. However, as I learned more about the gender gap, I started having flashbacks of sexual assault that had happened to me (which I pretended never happened, didn't want to admit, and kept hidden). Ta.

*From here on, I will write about my actual experience of being sexually assaulted. Please be careful if you are not good at it.

Job hunting period for third year university students. I decided to have dinner at a restaurant in Tokyo with the representative of a venture company that I had worked with during my internship to discuss job hunting. On the surface, I had the impression that he was a good father, a good husband, and the representative of a company that was easy to work for, and I felt that ``I was going out of my way to consult with him about job hunting'' and ``I really wanted to get a job offer from this company!'' For me, it felt like I was being given valuable time.

After that, he said, ``Let's go to the satellite office again for drinks and talk slowly,'' and I was taken to a room in an apartment. I knew in advance that the room was actually used as an office (I had visited it before), so I entered the room without any suspicions. At first we were talking about work and job hunting, but for some reason he suddenly kissed me, pushed me down on the sofa, took off my clothes, and groped my body.

I didn't know what was going on and I was just panicking.

There seems to be a trend in the world that ``if you go to your room, it means it's OK,'' but that's outrageous. I only said yes to the suggestion that we should go to the satellite office for another drink and talk slowly, but I did not approve of him touching my body. It was just scary and scary.

When I called the guy I was dating at the time (we broke up after about 2 months), who was already a working adult, he said, ``Well, things like that happen sometimes!It's not common for a president to have a wife and children (lol)''. He laughed at me, and for some reason I felt sorry for the damage I caused him, so I cried and apologized, saying, ``I'm sorry.'' (I can't laugh at this scene now, it's a picture of hell...)

Even though it wasn't my fault that I had been victimized, for some reason I felt like it was my fault. I couldn't report it to the police or tell my family. I felt that my body was dirty because I had been forced to touch it, and even though I scrubbed it in the bathroom and washed it over and over again, I still felt like it wasn't coming off, and I was in a mess inside.

Now, I wish I had received more sex education when I was a child, and I wish I had known the knowledge and techniques to protect myself (such as contact information for specialists), and I feel so frustrated and sad that I couldn't protect myself. I can't help but feel sorry for my body and mind.

As an ignorant 21-year-old, I had no choice but to treat myself as ``filthy'' and ``this is something that should be sealed away.''

When I remembered one thing, I began to recognize ``this and that'' in an imozuru style.

``Even when I was molested, there were people who noticed, so why couldn't I complain? I was embarrassed and couldn't bear being looked at in a crowded train. It wasn't that bad, so I should have gotten off at the station and told the station staff. I should have asked the adults around me for help."

For some reason, I was the victim and I regret it. why……. I guess I'm the only one who has to continue to suffer.

Unable to handle it alone, he decided to rely on his current partner with whom he wanted to share his life. After seven years, I confessed my feelings to someone else for the first time.

"Maybe it was sexual assault..."

The moment I spoke about the day I was attacked, large tears came over me. The damage to my heart, which I had kept a lid on, was severe, and I spent the whole day crying in fear and anxiety, as if a huge tsunami was about to hit me. I screamed and cried, but the tears wouldn't stop. My heart felt like it was going to break. The process of recognizing what has been done to me and coming to terms with the shock is extremely painful, and I can't accept it at all. The pain hasn't healed yet.

However, my partner accepted everything and took care of all my emotions. From there, I gradually became able to talk to people I trusted. Being able to share my pain with someone I trust, not just me or my partner, has healed and saved me more than I expected.

I had a friend who told me that it might be a good idea to seek professional care, and I had an experience that I'm glad I talked about. I'm sure I'll continue to live with this pain. Next time, I would like to provide proper knowledge and care so that I can protect myself properly.

I feel this uncontrollable anger, irrational anger.

I named the pain of being hurt and the anger of living as a woman ``Magma-kun'' (because he is simmering like magma).

She was shocked when she realized Magma-kun inside her. If she hadn't noticed, she might have been able to live her days peacefully and unhurt. Still, she noticed. I can no longer live ignoring Magma-kun. Things that I think are strange will become more and more obvious to me, and my feelings of disgust will be amplified.

Gradually, under the shield of being a victim, he began to brandish the sword of justice.

I learned the true meaning of feminism by learning how difficult it is for men to live.
The focus was on the partners. Even though he hasn't done anything wrong, he actually shows understanding due to his gender-equal thinking and is 100% on my side. For some reason, just saying he's a man automatically irritates him.

My fixed mindset led me to proceed with the conversation on the premise that ``men don't understand this anger because they don't realize the privilege they have,'' and I ended up venting my frustration.

Then one day, with sad eyes, he confessed:

``I have never committed a crime, and I will never tolerate sexual harassment or molestation.I understand that women feel bad because of the disparity between men and women, but I have not done anything.'' , I feel like I'm being treated like a criminal just because I'm a ``male'' and I don't like it...''

From there we talked as equals. He confessed to me the various difficulties and discomforts he felt in his life due to his ``masculinity''.

There are still many women who look to men for economic power. Therefore, in order to be ``popular,'' it is necessary to earn money. Regardless of whether a man has the financial power or not, when men and women go to a restaurant together, it is assumed that the man is the one who buys the food. And if you don't buy something, you'll be called a stingy (it's true, even if you're the same age and have the same annual income, a woman won't buy you anything! You're a stingy! I've never heard anyone say that).

When I go on a date with a woman, I have to make a plan that will satisfy her and escort her (I'm the type of person who doesn't like making travel plans, so I can't do it well, and the dissatisfied woman tells her female friend, ``How lame is the date?'') It was also painful to take apart the "Dataka").

Nothing is said about women being virgins, but men are made fun of for being virgins. How many people did you have sex with? It becomes a topic of pride in conversations between men (he doesn't like talking about his own sex life or listening to other people talk about it). Even though you say you're not interested, you end up being dragged to a cabaret club or sex club because of a relationship with other men.

I love children, and if I were to have a child, I would like to work while raising a child, but there are very few companies where men can maintain a balance between work and raising children. I hate being a father and working in a way that only allows me to see my children's sleeping faces.

In general, I learned that being constantly required to be superior is difficult to live. Earn more. Better academic background. Be taller. Being more athletic. Having a better face. Having more experience with women.

Just as I was killed by ``femininity,'' he was also a victim of ``masculinity.'' It was a blind spot. When I saw him pleading with me, with tears in his eyes, I thought, ``I have to study.''

Up until now, I have come into contact with ``feminism'' in my own experiences and subjectivity. It has been empowering. I have come to recognize strange things as strange. However, I felt that this was not enough, and that unless we comprehensively learned about feminism in its true meaning, we would not be able to understand each other's pain, share our differences, and work together in solidarity to change the world. It is.

It goes without saying that gender exists not only for women but also for men, so it is natural for men to have problems with men. I (as a woman) feel pain too, so I don't want to live in a world where I have to put up with it (the difficulty of life for men).

I was so focused on my own pain that I didn't notice the pain of others. After thinking hard about this, I started reading books that mentioned ``men's studies'' and feminist books that spoke from the perspective of men and women.

Then, I began to see the mechanisms of the world that I had always wondered about.

``Don't cry because you're a man!'' ``Boys like math and crafts, right?'' ``Since you're a boy, why don't you choose blue?'' ``You're starting to look like a man.''

"I'm a girl, so I have to know how to cook." "Girls like princesses, right?" "I'm a girl, so why not wear pink?" "You're starting to look like a girl."

Through the shower of words we have been showered with since childhood, we gradually become ``manly'' and ``feminine.'' As a result, men and women are trapped in a cage of ``this is what we should do'' and ``this is how we should be,'' and division occurs, disparity widens, and further division occurs.

Feminism is not just for women. I finally understood what it meant. My difficulty in living has nothing to do with him. In the same way, his difficulty in living had nothing to do with me.

Although the pain we face is different, the world we aim for is the same.

“Being able to live your life by demonstrating your individual potential without being bound by masculinity or femininity.”
"Break the cage that imprisons your individuality and live freely."

Feminism is not an ideology that divides men and women, nor is it an ideology that favors only women, nor is it an ideology that hates men.

``Let's change this world together with everyone who makes up this world.'' ”

That's what I'm going to raise my voice about.

By ``joining hands'', the world, the next generation, and our lives will move in a peaceful direction. That was a great hope.

When I realized this, my fear of calling myself a feminist completely disappeared.

Later, when I told him this story, he listened carefully to the end and said,

"So I've always been a feminist."

I want to study gender abroad. I decided to live in Canada for a year.
Over the past few months, I have made many discoveries by learning about feminism. There are days when I feel like I've been thrown into hell, and days when the world in front of me suddenly expands and I'm excited by the possibilities. Still, I'm really glad that I discovered feminism, which saved me.

That's why I had an idea that came to me.

"I want to have a dialogue about gender with people around the world. I want to learn about the lives of women around the world."

"Tell me your values"
“I also want to convey my way of thinking.”
“And why don’t we join hands and think about how we can move the world in a better direction?”

As a feminist, I would like to take such actions over the next 10 or 20 years. As a first step, I decided to live in Canada for a year starting from September 2024 (scheduled).

Being disillusioned while living abroad was different from what I expected! There are many things you may think about. At the same time, I have a feeling that you will be surprised at a lot of things and realize that ``What is commonplace in Japan is not commonplace in the rest of the world!'' See with your own eyes, hear with your ears, feel with your mind and body, and speak out, both good and bad. I chose "Try it".

Specifically, as a writer, I will interview local women who live a variety of ways, and then write articles or books and disseminate them to the world (towards Japanese women).

What kind of lives do women around the world lead? What kind of values and ways of thinking do they use when building their careers, child-rearing, and partnerships? How do politics and social welfare work? There is no right answer, but you may find hints and options for living ``not like a woman, but like yourself''.

The world won't change just because you're afraid, and the world won't change just because you're just afraid and keep your feelings of discomfort and anger inside.

By writing about the lives of various women around the world and providing them with options, I hope that by writing about the lives of various women around the world and providing them with options, I can help others who are facing the same difficulties in life...and I hope I can help myself as well. Tanara.

With this in mind, I decided to continue learning about feminism and continuing to spread the word.

I just want to call things that I think are strange.

I want to live freely without limiting women's potential, or in other words, my own potential, without giving up anything just because I'm a woman.

If your significant other feels uncomfortable with their masculinity, you want to get rid of them together.

I want to leave behind a world in which the next generation and their children can live freely without having their possibilities limited by ``femininity'' or ``masculinity.''

That's all you want. We aim to create a society where everyone can live as who they are without being oppressed or discriminated against.

I want to live a happy life with you and everyone else around the world, saying to each other, ``We want to join hands and change things.''

Extra edition: “Femininity and appearance complex saved by a feminist boyfriend”
From the time we started dating, he was a very gender-equal person, and there were a lot of things that were eye-opening for me.

What particularly helped me was my appearance.

Regarding removing unwanted hair, I once blurted out, ``It's painful because it hurts my skin, and it's been painful since I was a student.'' And he says, ``If you don't want to shave, you don't have to shave.''

Smooth skin is a must for girls! It's normal to have no hair! That imprint was scary, and I couldn't believe what he said, so I immediately asked, "What?! Is it okay if I say bo-bo!?" Still, with a shocked look on his face, he says, "Yeah, I don't mind." I was skeptical, but it really didn't seem to bother me, and nothing changed after that whether I was taking care of it or not.

"My body is mine"

I was 24 years old and didn't even know that word, and I still can't forget the shock I felt at that moment. Since then, I have been able to provide the care I want and only when I want. Just to the extent that it doesn't put a burden on your skin and doesn't bother you. It was the moment when I experienced the ``freedom to grow my hair'' for the first time and cultivated the important feeling that ``my body is my own.''

I was shocked when I was told that I didn't have to wear makeup if I didn't want to. I have sensitive skin and have been prone to acne since I was in middle school, and even as an adult, due to stress and my menstrual cycle, my acne continued to heal and break out.

I have a complex about my rough skin and try to hide it. But when I apply foundation, my skin becomes even rougher. Of course, before I met him and when we first started dating, I didn't want him to see my bare skin, so I tried my best to hide it.

He looked at me and said,

“It’s okay to wear no makeup.”

"No, no! You can't wear make-up!" and when I was suspected of bringing up my "femininity", I responded, "I feel sorry for your skin. Your acne will get better if you don't make up. I was like that too when I was in high school." He sympathized with me.

That alone was an eye-opener, but she even bought me a new lotion and said, ``Why don't you try this lotion?''

I followed the instructions honestly, and my rough skin quickly healed, and now my skin is less susceptible to acne and is not affected by my menstrual cycle.

At that time, I was extremely strict and critical of myself, so in the first place I resisted the idea of ``taking care of myself = taking care of myself.'' I kept pushing myself, even though I was hurting myself, and felt a strange sense of security, thinking, ``I'm working so hard.''

However, as I continued to take care of myself, I was able to spend more time feeling good, my complex about my skin disappeared, and I gradually began to think that I was fine just the way I was emotionally. It is.

His values of ``don't worry about what others think and ignore what's most important to you'' and ``take care of yourself and work hard'' really helped me.

Even now, I wear makeup when I want to and don't wear makeup when I don't want to. I enjoy fashion for ``myself'', not for someone else's sake.

Even when I didn't even know the word feminism, it was he who had a gender-equal mindset that broke the curse of ``being a woman has to be this way.''

In writing this article, he would like to sincerely thank his partners for their continued support. I would also like to thank my coach, Rei-chan, who is my friend and colleague, and with whom I have traveled all over the world. She noticed many "inner voices" during sessions with her. thanks so much.
