
大学院大学至善館第二期生 学生代表卒業スピーチ (5分/日英全文)




















我々はどこから来たのか 我々は何者か 我々はどこへ行くのか











I’m Misaki Tanaka, and I am a second-year student of the Japanese class at Shizenkan University. I’m glad to be here on this occasion.
First of all, I would like to express my thanks to all of the faculty members who have led us students on this adventure of learning, and to all the administrators who have helped us on our journey. As for me, as a recipient of a scholarship, I’d like to say thanks to all of you for giving me the chance to become a student. Thank you so much.

I would also like to express my heartfelt gratitude to all of my classmates, with whom I have spent the last 20 months discussing and debating through a storm of preparation, review, and assignments that I had never imagined. Thank you so much.

Looking back, there have been many unexpected things that have happened in the past 20 months of my student life.

In the first lecture “COMPANY”, the lecture and group conversations were full of unfamiliar words, and in order to keep up, I had to stop the session recordings one minute at a time, look up the unfamiliar words, and then watch the video again. At that time, actually, I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to make it through the next two years.

And the thing that made me scream the most was “FINANCE”. I had no idea what was going on, and I was completely out of my mind. No matter how many times I stopped the video, I still couldn’t understand it. I even thought about going to another business school for understanding this lecture. Hehe

It was also surprising to see how different the perspectives and values were from those of my classmates. Perhaps because I myself have been in the social sector for most of my working life, I learned a lot of new things from them, such as the different connotations of words like “society,” “world,” and “profit”.

Above all, it was stimulating to encounter perspectives and worlds that I had never had the opportunity to come into contact with before, such as philosophy, religion, sociology, and Eastern thought. In the last 20 months, as I finished each lecture, I could see how my daily life was changing with each passing sound.

And the most unexpected thing was that I started my own business again.

I had run a non-profit organization for eight years before enrolling in the program and dissolved it, so I thought I wouldn’t have another chance...I wish I could say to myself 20 months ago, “you’re still going to start another business”.

In the ENVISION lectures, I was able to materialize the idea that came to me, and in the CORE and LEADERSHIP lectures, I was able to reflect on myself, and in the subsequent lectures and seminars, I was able to give shape to it with the help of my fellow students and seminar members who were on the same team in the group work. In the lectures and seminars that I took afterward, I was helped many times by my fellow students and seminar members who were on the same team as me in group work. And then I found what I wanted to achieve in life and started my business.

Everything I learned in each lecture at Shizenkan was like a jewel to me.
If I had been alone, I would have been reduced to a mere stone.
I would have been reduced to a mere stone on my own, but thanks to my friends who taught me how to polish it and how to enjoy polishing it together, it finally took shape. I can’t thank you enough, and it’s been a dream come true for the past two years.

Where did we come from, who are we, where are we going?

These questions were asked by Professor Noda-san to all of us students on the day we entered the school. It gave us a chance to rethink ourselves at every turn.

I think,

We have come here from this unimaginable, wide, and deep world, where many histories and cultures overlap and are constantly changing.

We are here as beings who repeatedly fail and succeed, who never stop thinking and learning.

I believe that we will always be running towards a fragile and fleeting future that can turn out to be both negative and positive.

It is a long and endless life.
It will be a long, long life with no end in sight.

Even so, I believe that the lessons I learned at the Shizenkan have greatly changed the meaning of this life.

I can’t help but look forward to the future of Shizenkan, my classmates, and myself.



よろしければサポートおねがいします!! いただいたサポートは、素敵な非営利団体の支援をしたり、世界の社会課題をもっと勉強するために活用させていただきます!