

US and UK carry out strikes against Iran-backed Houthis in Yemen

The US and UK militaries launched strikes against multiple Houthi targets in Houthi-controlled areas of Yemen on Thursday, marking a significant response after the Biden administration and its allies warned that the Iran-backed militant group would bear the consequences of repeated drone and missile attacks on commercial shipping in the Red Sea.

President Joe Biden said he ordered the strikes “in direct response to unprecedented Houthi attacks against international maritime vessels in the Red Sea.”

“Today, at my direction, U.S. military forces—together with the United Kingdom and with support from Australia, Bahrain, Canada, and the Netherlands—successfully conducted strikes against a number of targets in Yemen used by Houthi rebels to endanger freedom of navigation in one of the world’s most vital waterways,” the president said in a statement released by the White House.

Biden added that he will “not hesitate to direct further measures to protect our people and the free flow of international commerce as necessary.”

US and coalition forces “executed deliberate strikes on over 60 targets at 16 Iranian-backed Houthi militant locations, including command and control nodes, munitions depots, launching systems, production facilities, and air defense radar systems,” according to a statement from US Air Forces Central Commander Lt. Gen. Alex Grynkewich. More than 100 precision-guided munitions “of various types” were used, he said.

The strikes are a sign of the growing international alarm over the threat to one of the world’s most critical waterways. For weeks, the US had sought to avoid direct strikes on Yemen because of the risk of escalation in a region already simmering with tension as the Israel-Hamas war continues, but the ongoing Houthi attacks on international shipping compelled the coalition to act.

Though the US has carried out strikes against Iranian proxies in Iraq and Syria since the outbreak of the war in Gaza, this marks the first known strike against the Houthis in Yemen.

The strikes were from fighter jets and Tomahawk missiles. More than a dozen Houthi targets were fired upon by missiles fired from air, surface, and sub platforms and were chosen for their ability to degrade the Houthis’ continued attacks on vessels in the Red Sea, a US official told CNN.
攻撃は戦闘機とトマホークミサイルによるものだった。 フーシ派の標的は十数か所、空中、水上、サブプラットフォームから発射されたミサイルで攻撃され、紅海で船舶に対するフーシ派の継続的な攻撃を弱める能力を理由に選ばれたと米当局者がCNNに語った。

They included radar systems, drone storage and launch sites, ballistic missile storage and launch sites, and cruise missile storage and launch sites.

The USS Florida, a guided missile submarine that crossed into the Red Sea on November 23, was part of the attack on Yemen, according to a second US official. Like the surface ships that participated in the attack, the sub fired Tomahawk land-attack missiles, the official said.
別の米当局者によると、11月23日に紅海に進入した誘導ミサイル潜水艦「フロリダ」はイエメン攻撃に参加していた。 攻撃に参加した水上艦艇と同様に、潜水艦も対地攻撃ミサイル「トマホーク」を発射したと当局者は述べた。

A senior military official told reporters on Thursday evening that he could not provide an exact percentage of Houthi assets that were destroyed in the strikes but that it was “significant.” He added that precision guided munitions were used to destroy the targets “and also to minimize collateral damage.”
軍高官は木曜夜、記者団に対し、空爆で破壊されたフーシ派資産の正確な割合は明らかにできないが、それは「重大」であると述べた。 同氏は、標的を破壊するために精密誘導弾が使用され、「巻き添え被害を最小限に抑えるためにも」使用されたと付け加えた。

Tuesday attacks were final straw

The Houthi attacks on Red Sea shipping on Tuesday marked the final straw that culminated in Biden giving the green light for the US to move forward with Thursday’s strikes, though preparations have been ongoing for some time, a senior US official told CNN.

The strikes come as Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin remains hospitalized following complications from a surgery for prostate cancer. A senior Defense official said Austin ordered and monitored the strikes in in real-time from the hospital “with a full suite of secure communications.”
この空爆は、ロイド・オースティン国防長官が前立腺がんの手術による合併症で入院を続けている中で行われた。 国防高官は、オースティンが「完全な安全通信を用いて」病院からリアルタイムで攻撃を命令し監視していたと述べた。

Over the course of the past several weeks, Biden has weighed potential strikes against Houthi positions in Yemen against the prospect of an escalating crisis in the Middle East. His underlying hesitancy in ordering direct action has been the potential of getting drawn in more directly to an expanding conflict — a scenario US officials believe could ultimately be Iran’s objective.
過去数週間にわたり、バイデン氏はイエメンのフーシ派拠点に対する攻撃の可能性と、中東危機が激化する可能性を比較検討してきた。 直接行動を命令することへの同氏の根底にある躊躇は、拡大する紛争にさらに直接的に巻き込まれる可能性であり、最終的にはイランの目的になる可能性があると米国当局者が考えているシナリオだ。

But the White House had made clear the repeated Houthi attacks on international shipping lanes in the southern Red Sea were intolerable. The attacks have forced some of the world’s largest shipping companies to avoid the waterway, instead adding thousands of miles to international shipping routes by sailing around the continent of Africa.
しかしホワイトハウスは、紅海南部の国際航路に対するフーシ派の度重なる攻撃は耐え難いものであると明らかにしていた。 この攻撃により、世界最大手の海運会社の一部は水路を避けることを余儀なくされ、代わりにアフリカ大陸を周回することで国際航路に何千マイルも追加された。

Hours before the strike on Thursday, Pentagon spokesman Maj. Gen. Pat Ryder said Iran “has a role to play” in getting the Houthis to stop their “reckless, dangerous, and illegal activity.” If they did not, he said, “there will be consequences.”
木曜日の攻撃の数時間前、国防総省報道官のパット・ライダー少将は、フーシ派の「無謀で危険で違法な活動」をやめさせる上でイランには「果たすべき役割がある」と述べた。 そうしなければ、「結果が生じるだろう」と彼は言った。

The Houthis — an Iran-backed Shia political and military organization that has been fighting a civil war in Yemen against a coalition backed by Saudi Arabia — have been launching drones and missiles at commercial shipping vessels in the Red Sea for weeks, many of which have been intercepted and shot down by US Navy ships in the area.

The Houthi’s deputy foreign minister, Hussein al-Ezzi, claimed that Yemen was targeted in a “massive aggressive assault.” In a speech Thursday, Houthi leader Abdul Malek Al-Houthi said that any US attack on Yemen ” will not go unanswered,” cryptically warning that the response will be “much more” than attacking US ships in the sea.
フーシ派のフセイン・アルエッツィ外務副大臣は、イエメンが「大規模な攻撃」の標的となったと主張した。 フーシ派指導者のアブドゥル・マレク・アル・フーシ氏は木曜日の演説で、イエメンに対する米国のいかなる攻撃も「無反応にはならない」と述べ、その対応は海上の米国艦船への攻撃を「はるかに上回る」ものになるだろうと謎めいた警告を発した。

The senior military official said that the Pentagon has thus far not seen any signs of retaliatory action by the Houthis as of Thursday night.

A senior US administration official signaled that there could be more action to come against the Houthis.

“This may well not be the last word on the topic,” the administration official said. “And when we have more to say and more to do, you will hear from us.”
「これがこのテーマに関する最後の言葉ではないかもしれない」と政権当局者は語った。 「そして、私たちがもっと言いたいこと、やるべきことがあれば、あなたは私たちから連絡をくれるでしょう。」

US warned of ‘consequences’

On Thursday, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken warned while traveling in the region that “if it doesn’t stop, there will have to be consequences. And unfortunately, it hasn’t stopped.”

Blinken also said he doesn’t believe the war in Gaza is escalating into a regional conflict, even as he warned of “a lot of danger points.” While in the region, Blinken visited Bahrain, home to the US Naval Forces Central Command and the Navy’s Fifth Fleet.

An important aspect of Blinken’s trip to the Middle East was to tell regional leaders that if US takes military action against the Houthis, it should be seen as defensive, not escalatory, according to a senior State Department official.

On Wednesday, the United Nations Security Council passed a US- and Japan-led resolution condemning “in the strongest terms the at least two dozen Houthi attacks on merchant and commercial vessels since November 19, 2023” and demanding “that the Houthis immediately cease all such attacks.” Eleven countries voted in favor of the resolution. Four abstained, including China and Russia. A Western diplomat told CNN that the US accommodated some of China’s requests on the language of the resolution.

US strikes in Yemen are not unprecedented; according to the Council on Foreign Relations, the US has conducted nearly 400 airstrikes in Yemen since 2002.
イエメンにおける米国の攻撃は前例のないものではない。 外交問題評議会によると、米国は2002年以来イエメンで400回近くの空爆を実施している。

In Yemen, officials say they are concerned at what a strike against the Houthis would portend for the region. Declassified US intelligence shows that Iran has been deeply involved in coordinating the Houthi attacks on commercial and merchant ships, including providing information about shipping vessels passing through the waterway.
イエメンでは当局者らが、フーシ派に対する攻撃がこの地域にどのような影響をもたらすかを懸念していると述べている。 機密解除された米国情報機関は、イランが水路を通過する輸送船に関する情報を提供するなど、商船に対するフーシ派の攻撃の調整に深く関与していることを示している。

Among the US’ concerns about taking direct action inside Yemen is also the risk of upsetting a carefully brokered truce in the war in Yemen between the Houthis and Saudi Arabia, which a US official previously told CNN the Biden administration considers one of its most significant foreign policy achievements.

Concerns about a prolonged conflict

Some American officials feared a direct attack on the Houthis in Yemen would be precisely what the group craved: drawing the US into direct engagement with the Iranian proxy group and potentially committing its forces to a more prolonged conflict.

Still, Biden’s attempts at deterrence had done little to prevent the Houthis from continuing their attacks on commercial and merchant ships transiting the Red Sea.

A significant turning point came around New Year’s, when US Navy helicopters shot and sank three Houthi boats in self-defense, killing those aboard. It was the first direct engagement between the US and Houthis since the start of the conflict, and prompted Biden to convene his national security team for a secure briefing call while he was on vacation in the US Virgin Islands.
重大な転機は新年の頃に訪れ、米海軍のヘリコプターが自衛のためフーシ派のボート3隻を撃沈し、乗組員が死亡した。 これは紛争勃発以来、米国とフーシ派の初の直接関与であり、バイデン氏は米領バージン諸島で休暇中、安全なブリーフィングコールを行うために国家安全保障チームを召集することになった。

That joint statement was issued on January 3, saying that the Houthis “will bear the responsibility of the consequences should they continue to threaten lives, the global economy, and free flow of commerce in the region’s critical waterways.”

While not describing the statement as a red line, Biden and his team recognized the language would essentially bind them to a more forceful response should the Houthi attacks continue, which many officials privately believed they would.

Just hours after the joint statement was released, the Houthis launched an unmanned surface drone against commercial shipping lanes.

And on Tuesday, in one of the largest Houthi attacks to date, three US Navy destroyers, Navy F/A-18s from the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower, and a UK destroyer, the HMS Diamond, shot down 21 missiles and drones. There were no ships damaged by the attack, and no injuries reported.
そして火曜日には、これまでで最大規模のフーシ派攻撃の一つで、米海軍駆逐艦3隻、ドワイト・D・アイゼンハワー海軍F/A-18、英国駆逐艦ダイアモンド1隻が21発のミサイルと無人機を撃墜した。 攻撃による被害を受けた船舶はなく、負傷者も報告されていない。

A senior administration official told CNN that Biden directed his national security team to carry out strikes on Houthi facilities in Yemen following that missile barrage. The official said the attack was directly targeting a US commercial vessel, with US military vessels alongside it.
政府高官はCNNに対し、バイデン氏はミサイル攻撃を受けてイエメンのフーシ派施設を攻撃するよう国家安全保障チームに指示したと語った。 同当局者は、攻撃は米商船を直接標的とし、それに米軍艦艇が接舷していると述べた。

Biden directed Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin to carry out the response, which led to the strikes on Thursday evening.

There have been at least 27 Houthi attacks since November 19. As the US and its allies have been navigating the Houthis’ ongoing attacks, there have also been at least 131 attacks on US and coalition forces in Iraq and Syria since October 17, leading to several strikes on facilities linked to Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and other proxy forces. Just last week, the US targeted a member of Iranian proxy group Harakat al-Nujaba who an official said has “US blood on his hands” in Iraq.

But many of the commercial vessels have had no connection to Israel. Vice Adm. Bradley Cooper, the commander of US Navy Central Command, said last week that the US assesses 55 nations have “direct connections” to the ships that have come under fire.

