

Joe Biden and Xi Jinping agree to resume high-level military communication

US and China also pledge more flights between countries and co-operation to control drug trafficking

US President Joe Biden and his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping have agreed to resume communications between the countries’ militaries at a summit outside San Francisco designed to stabilise relations after several years of rising concern about possible conflict over Taiwan.

At a press conference on Wednesday following his meeting with Xi, Biden said the two countries had reached a series of agreements, including a commitment from China to reopen the military communication channels that Beijing had shut after then-US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi visited Taiwan in August 2022.
習主席との会談後の水曜日の記者会見で、バイデン氏は両国が一連の合意に達したと述べ、その中には、2022 年 8 月に当時のナンシー・ペロシ米下院議長の台湾訪問後に中国政府が遮断していた軍事通信チャンネルを再開するという中国側の約束も含まれていたと述べた。

“We’re back to direct, open, clear . . . communication,” said Biden, who added that it was “important progress” in US-China relations.

The two sides also agreed to set up a counter-narcotics working group. Beijing agreed to curb the export of chemicals used to make fentanyl, a synthetic opioid that has sparked a deadly drug epidemic in the US.
両国は麻薬対策作業部会を設置することにも合意した。 中国政府は、米国で致死性の麻薬流行を引き起こした合成オピオイドであるフェンタニルの製造に使用される化学物質の輸出を制限することに同意した。

Biden and Xi held roughly four hours of talks in what was their second in-person summit since the US president took office in 2021. They are attempting to steady turbulent US-China relations, which have descended to their lowest point since the countries established ties in 1979.

Biden said he had stressed to Xi the importance of “peace and stability” in the Taiwan Strait, but he sidestepped a question about whether he stood by his previous four statements that he would order the US military to defend Taiwan in the face of an attack by China. He also declined to say if Xi had made clear under what circumstances China would attack Taiwan.
バイデン氏は習主席に台湾海峡の「平和と安定」の重要性を強調したが、攻撃に直面した場合には米軍に台湾の防衛を命じるという過去4回の発言を支持するかという質問は避けた。 中国によって。 同氏はまた、習主席がどのような状況で中国が台湾を攻撃するのかを明らかにしたかどうかについても言及を避けた。

Over the past three years, tensions have escalated over a range of issues. Washington has become increasingly concerned about Chinese military activity around Taiwan, the country’s rapidly expanding nuclear arsenal and its treatment of Uyghurs in Xinjiang.
過去 3 年間、さまざまな問題をめぐって緊張が高まっている。 米国政府は、台湾周辺での中国の軍事活動、同国の急速に拡大する核兵器、そして新疆におけるウイグル族の扱いについて懸念を強めている。

China has raised concerns in return about US export controls and other measures that are designed to make it much harder for it to obtain cutting-edge US technology, such as chips for quantum computing and artificial intelligence, that also have military applications.

As the leaders greeted each other at the Filoli estate outside San Francisco, Biden said they had an obligation to ensure competition did not turn into conflict. Xi said that despite some “grave” problems, they should be “fully capable of rising above differences”.
サンフランシスコ郊外のフィローリ邸で両首脳が挨拶し、バイデン氏は競争が紛争に発展しないようにする義務があると述べた。 習主席は、いくつかの「重大な」問題にもかかわらず、両国は「相違を乗り越える十分な能力」を持つべきだと述べた。

“Planet Earth is big enough for the two countries to succeed,” Xi said.

China’s official state news agency Xinhua said the two sides also agreed to establish a dialogue on artificial intelligence and increase the number of commercial flights between the countries. Xinhua said Xi told Biden that his recent executive order restricting investment into China and sanctions “seriously damaged China’s legitimate interests”.
中国国営新華社通信は、両国は人工知能に関する対話を確立し、両国間の民間航空便の便数を増やすことでも合意したと伝えた。 新華社によると、習氏はバイデン氏に対し、対中投資制限と制裁を盛り込んだ最近の大統領令は「中国の正当な利益を著しく損なった」と語ったという。

“Suppressing Chinese technology equates to containing China’s high-quality development and depriving the Chinese people of their right to development,” Xi said, noting he hoped the US would take actions to remedy the policies and provide fair treatment to Chinese companies.

Xi said China had “no plans to surpass or replace the US, and the US should not intend to suppress or contain China”.

After their talks, which included a lunch, the leaders strolled around the grounds of the estate. Asked by reporters nearby how the talks went, Biden responded “well” after giving a thumbs-up gesture.
昼食を含む会談の後、首脳らは敷地内を散策した。 近くにいた記者団に会談の行方を尋ねられたバイデン氏は、親指を立てるジェスチャーをした後、「良かった」と答えた。

Biden said while the two countries had disagreements, Xi had always “been straight” with him. But asked at the press conference if he still viewed Xi as a “dictator” — a reference to a comment Biden made during the presidential campaign — he said Xi was a dictator “in a sense”.
バイデン氏は、両国間に意見の相違がある一方で、習氏は常に自分に対して「誠実だった」と述べた。 しかし記者会見で、習氏を依然として「独裁者」とみているかとの質問(大統領選挙期間中のバイデン氏の発言に言及)との質問に対し、同氏は習氏は「ある意味で」独裁者だと述べた。

The two leaders held their first in-person meeting a year ago on the sidelines of the G20 summit in Bali, Indonesia. At that meeting they also agreed on the need to resume high-level engagement to help ensure that coercion “did not veer into conflict”.
両首脳は1年前、インドネシアのバリ島で開催されたG20サミットに合わせて初めての直接会談を行った。 その会合では、強制が「紛争に発展しない」ことを確実にするために、ハイレベルの関与を再開する必要性についても合意した。

Their efforts were derailed three months later after a suspected Chinese spy balloon flew over North America and was shot down by the US military.

In recent months they have renewed engagement through a series of diplomatic activities, including a visit to Beijing by US secretary of state Antony Blinken and a reciprocal trip to Washington by Chinese foreign minister Wang Yi.

Ahead of the summit, US officials stressed that while there would be some more agreements, the aim of the meeting was to ensure there were top-level channels of communication to prevent misunderstandings and ensure they did not have a conflict.

