

Israeli military expands ground operations in Gaza

Intense bombardment by IDF knocks out Palestinian enclave’s telecommunications systems

Israel’s military significantly expanded its offensive on the Gaza Strip on Friday evening, ramping up ground operations in the Palestinian enclave and launching an intense air bombardment that knocked out its telecommunications systems.

The escalation comes 48 hours after Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israel prime minister, told a national audience that his government was preparing a “ground invasion” of Gaza. But it remained unclear late on Friday whether the intensification of military operations was the prelude to a wider war.
この事態のエスカレーションは、イスラエル首相ベンヤミン・ネタニヤフが全国聴衆に対し、政府がガザへの「地上侵攻」を準備していると語ってから48時間後に起こった。 しかし、軍事作戦の強化がより広範な戦争への前兆であるかどうかは、金曜日遅くになっても明らかではなかった。

Still, Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari, a spokesman for Israel’s military, said that the Israel Defense Forces had been carrying out limited incursions into Gaza over the previous two nights and were now “expanding” operations on the ground.

“In recent hours, we have intensified attacks on Gaza. The air force is widely attacking subterranean targets and terror targets in a significant fashion,” he said in a briefing. “In continuation with the offensive operations that we have done in recent days, ground forces are expanding their ground operations this evening.”
「ここ数時間、我々はガザへの攻撃を強化した。 空軍は地下目標やテロ目標を大々的に攻撃している」とブリーフィングで述べた。 「我々がここ数日行ってきた攻撃作戦に続き、地上軍は今夜地上作戦を拡大している。」

Hours after the escalation, the UN General Assembly adopted a Jordanian resolution calling for an “immediate, durable and sustained humanitarian truce” and demanding all parties comply with international humanitarian law.

The resolution passed by 120 to 14, with 45 countries abstaining, including the UK. The US was among the members that voted against the resolution.
決議案は英国を含む45カ国が棄権し、120対14で可決された。 米国も決議案に反対票を投じた加盟国の中に含まれていた。

John Kirby, spokesman for the White House’s National Security Council, said the US was not setting any “red lines” for Israel, even as Washington would keep expressing its concerns over the Israeli military’s “approach” to the conflict.

“We have not been shy about expressing our concerns over civilian casualties, collateral damage, and the approach that they might choose to take,” Kirby said.

Brent crude, the international benchmark, rose more than 3 per cent to $90.60 a barrel shortly after Israel announced the expanded military operations. West Texas Intermediate, the US marker, rose by a similar margin to $85.62.
国際ベンチマークであるブレント原油は、イスラエルが軍事作戦の拡大を発表した直後、3%以上上昇して1バレル=90.60ドルとなった。 米国の指標であるウェスト・テキサス・インターミディエイトも同様に上昇し、85.62ドルとなった。

While Israel does not produce significant volumes of oil, traders fret that an escalation of the conflict could draw in other countries in the Arab world, such as Iran, leading to potential supply disruptions.

In recent days, the US and Israel have warned Iran and its proxies not to escalate the conflict, after the Hizbollah militant group in southern Lebanon exchanged cross-border fire with Israeli forces, and Houthi militants in Yemen launched missiles the US said were likely to have been aimed at Israel.

The US said on Thursday that it struck two facilities in eastern Syria it identified as being linked to Iran-backed militias, following more than a dozen attacks on American forces in the region in recent weeks.

Israel called up 360,000 soldiers and deployed many of them close to Gaza after Hamas’s attack on October 7, which sent shockwaves through Israel, and inflicted the highest single death toll since the state was founded in 1948.

More than 1,400 people were killed and more than 5,400 were injured according to Israeli officials, while Hamas militants also seized more than 200 hostages. Israeli counterstrikes on Gaza have killed more than 7,300 people and injured about 19,000, according to Palestinian officials.
イスラエル当局者らによると、1400人以上が死亡、5400人以上が負傷し、ハマス武装勢力も200人以上の人質を捕らえた。 パレスチナ当局者らによると、ガザに対するイスラエルの反撃で7300人以上が死亡、約1万9000人が負傷した。

Netanyahu has been under pressure over his war plans, with government hardliners demanding a more aggressive response to Hamas’s assault while other voices, including in western capitals, urged Israel to delay any ground invasion in order to allow time for the hostages to be extricated from Gaza.

Paltel, the Palestinian telecoms company, said the Israeli bombardment on Friday night had destroyed “all remaining connections between Gaza and the outside world”.

“This has led to the complete interruption of comms service in Gaza,” it said.

The Palestinian Red Crescent said it had lost contact with its operations room in Gaza, and was “deeply concerned about the ability of our teams to continue providing their emergency medical services”.

In addition to its three-week-long bombardment, Israel has also severely limited supplies of electricity, water, fuel and food to Gaza, exacerbating already dire humanitarian conditions in the strip, which it and Egypt have subjected to a crippling blockade since Hamas seized power in 2007.

Philippe Lazzarini, the head of UNRWA, the UN’s aid agency for Palestinians, said on Friday that the last public services and civil order in the territory, which is home to 2.3mn people, were “collapsing”, while the streets were overflowing with sewage.

“Our aid operation is crumbling and for the first time ever, [UN staff] report that now people are hungry,” Lazzarini said, adding that the small aid convoys that Israel had permitted to enter in recent days were “crumbs that will not make a difference to 2mn people”.

More than 1.4mn people have been displaced and 641,000 are sheltering in UN-designated emergency facilities, according to UNRWA.

