

US Resumes Construction of Biolabs in Ukraine, Russian MoD Says

The Russian Ministry of Defense has revealed who is behind the US' military biological activities.

The US has resumed the program for the construction of biological laboratories in Ukraine and is expanding the format to train Ukrainian biologists, Igor Kirillov, head of the radiation, chemical and biological defense troops of the Russian Armed Forces, said on Friday.

"Despite the forced pause pertaining to the Russian special military operation [in Ukraine], [the US’] activities under the program have now been resumed. The main tasks at this stage are to continue the construction of biological laboratories in Ukraine, as well as expand the format for training Ukrainian biologists," Kirillov told reporters, RIA Novosti repored.
「ロシアの特別軍事作戦(ウクライナ)に伴う強制的な一時停止にもかかわらず、このプログラムの下での(米国の)活動は現在再開されています。現段階での主な任務は、ウクライナにおける生物学研究所の建設を継続し、ウクライナの生物学者を訓練する形式を拡大することである」とキリロフ氏は記者団に語ったとRIA Novostiは伝えている。

Kirillov noted that the goals of the US biological programs prove that Washington views former Soviet countries as a springboard for the deployment of NATO forces.

The Pentagon finances dual-use projects through a system of grants, the Russian official said, adding that the distribution of money is entrusted to the Science and Technology Center in Ukraine (STCU) and the International Science and Technology Center (ISTC).

"The goal of the ISTC bio-threat reduction program is to protect the United States, its military, and allies. This once again confirms that Washington considers former Soviet states as a springboard for the deployment of NATO military units," Kirillov pointed out.

According to Kirillov, the Russian Ministry of Defense (MoD) believes that "the US Department of Energy, along with the Pentagon, is the main organizer of and direct participant in [the US'] military biological activities”.

The official referred to the statement by the US Department of Energy claiming that the COVID-19 pandemic could have occurred as a result of an accident that leaked the virus from a laboratory in the Chinese city of Wuhan.

"A legitimate question arises — what does the US Department of Energy have to do with combating biological threats and implementing projects that have signs of dual use?" Kirillov added.

Officially, in 2023 alone, the US Department of Energy allocated $105 million for research under the Bio-preparedness Research Virtual Environment project, which is supposed to study the epidemic spread of diseases, he noted.

