

US Congress split over Ukraine funding as Zelenskyy visits Washington

Democrats say Republican opposition to more aid could be ‘devastating’ for Kyiv’s war effort

Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy took his case for more Ukraine aid to the US Congress on Thursday, as a looming federal government shutdown and polarised politics threaten further support from Washington.

Zelenskyy returned to Capitol Hill on Thursday morning where he briefed the full 100-member US Senate in a closed-door meeting. He held a smaller briefing with Republican House Speaker Kevin McCarthy and a handful of senior Republicans and Democrats from the lower chamber.
ゼレンスキー氏は木曜朝に国会議事堂に戻り、非公開会議で定数100人の米上院議員全員に概要を説明した。 同氏はケビン・マッカーシー共和党下院議長および下院の共和党および民主党幹部数名と小規模な会見を行った。

Zelenskyy went on to visit the Pentagon for the first time, before a planned meeting with US president Joe Biden at the White House.

The Ukrainian president’s visit to Washington comes amid a deepening political row in Congress that could bring a shutdown of the federal government as soon as next week, and as rightwing Republicans threaten to withhold new aid for Ukraine as it enters a critical phase of its counteroffensive against Russian forces.

At stake is a request from the White House to Congress to authorise $24bn in additional funding for Ukraine this year. But the House of Representatives must approve the request, and McCarthy is under mounting pressure from the isolationist flank of his party not to authorise more aid for the country.
問題となっているのは、今年のウクライナへの追加資金240億ドルの承認を求めるホワイトハウスから議会への要請だ。 しかし下院はこの要請を承認する必要があり、マッカーシー氏は同党の孤立主義者側から同国へのさらなる援助を認めないよう圧力が高まっている。

McCarthy declined Zelenskyy’s request to deliver an address this week to a joint session of Congress — an honour that was extended to the Ukrainian president last year.

“We just didn’t have time,” McCarthy told reporters on Thursday morning. “He’s already given a joint session. What we are doing for Zelenskyy is exactly the same thing we did for the prime minister of the UK, the prime minister of Italy.”
マッカーシー氏は木曜朝、記者団に対し「時間がなかった」と語った。 「彼はすでに合同セッションを行っています。 私たちがゼレンスキーに対して行っていることは、英国首相やイタリア首相に対して行ったことと全く同じだ。」

“This is a little busy week. We are dealing with the funding issue. I don’t know how we could slip that in, in such a short time,” McCarthy added.
「今週は少し忙しいです。 私たちは資金の問題に取り組んでいます。 どうすればこれほど短期間でそれを実現できるのかわかりません」とマッカーシー氏は付け加えた。

Chuck Schumer, the Democratic Senate majority leader, said late Wednesday after a classified briefing with the Biden administration’s top military and security officials that the looming government shutdown could significantly impact Ukraine’s war effort.

“It is very clear that if we were to have a government shutdown, or to pass a [continuing resolution] with no Ukraine aid, that the effect on Ukraine would be very quick and devastating,” he said.

Schumer doubled down on Thursday after meeting Zelenskyy, telling reporters: “I am quoting him verbatim, Mr Zelenskyy said: ‘If we don’t get the aid, we will lose the war.’ That’s a quote from him.”

Before Zelenskyy arrived in Washington on Thursday, nearly 30 Republican lawmakers wrote to the White House to reject the $24bn funding request.

“The American people deserve to know what their money has gone to,” they wrote in the letter, led by senator JD Vance and congressman Chip Roy. “What is our strategy, and what is the president’s exit plan?”
「アメリカ国民は自分たちのお金が何に使われたのか知る権利がある」とJD・バンス上院議員とチップ・ロイ下院議員が主導して書簡の中で述べた。 「私たちの戦略は何ですか、大統領の撤退計画は何ですか?」

Their letter underscored the widening divide in the Republican party over Ukraine. Mitch McConnell, the Senate’s top Republican, has urged the US to provide more weapons and funding to Kyiv.
彼らの書簡は、ウクライナをめぐる共和党内の亀裂の拡大を浮き彫りにした。 上院共和党トップのミッチ・マコーネル氏は、米国に対しキエフにさらなる武器と資金提供を要請した。

Michael McCaul, the Republican chair of the House foreign affairs committee, said after meeting Zelenskyy on Thursday that the US should “get them everything they need”, including long-range missiles.

“There are a lot of political machinations right now, but I assure you we are going to get it passed,” he added, referring to the White House’s funding request.

The Biden administration is expected to announce another Ukraine aid package on Thursday — separate from the bigger funding package it has asked for.

But officials have said no decision has been made on Kyiv’s plea for long-range missiles known as ATACMS, reflecting Washington’s fears that they could be used to strike deep into Russian territory, as well as a desire to preserve a stockpile of the weapons amid mounting tensions between the US and China over Taiwan.

