

Cooling US economy gives Fed breathing room on interest rates

Jobs and price data suggest bank’s quest to tame inflation is working, economists say

New data confirming that the world’s largest economy is cooling has given the US Federal Reserve room to hold interest rates steady, economists say, even as it leaves open the possibility of resuming a historic monetary tightening campaign later in the year.
エコノミストらは、世界最大の経済が冷え込んでいることを裏付ける新たなデータにより、米連邦準備理事会 (FRB)に金利を据え置く余地が与えられたとしながらも、年内に歴史的な金融引き締めキャンペーンが再開される可能性は残されていると指摘する。

Friday’s US jobs report — which showed the unemployment rate ticked up in August while a healthy 187,000 jobs were added — marked the latest evidence this week that the economy, while still resilient, is beginning to cool as consumers and businesses confront higher borrowing costs.

The new data comes just three weeks ahead of a crucial Fed policy meeting when chair Jay Powell and officials will decide whether they have squeezed the economy sufficiently to bring historically high inflation back under control, after raising the benchmark interest rate to a 22-year high.

The Fed is widely expected to waive an interest rate increase at the September gathering, leaving the federal funds rate between 5.25-5.5 per cent.

“The Fed doesn’t need to be extremely aggressive anymore,” said Gargi Chaudhuri, head of iShares investment strategy Americas at BlackRock. “Now is the time to just let restrictive rates continue to work as they have been.”ブラックロックのiシェアーズ投資戦略アメリカ部門責任者のガルジ・チョードリ氏は、「FRBはもはや極めて積極的になる必要はない」と述べた。 「今は制限金利をこれまでどおり機能させ続けるときだ。」

On Friday, President Joe Biden said the US was in “one of the strongest job-creating periods” in its history and hailed the latest jobs report as yet another sign that inflation could fall without significant losses across the labour market.

Job openings have also fallen to the lowest level in roughly two years while fewer Americans are quitting their jobs, data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics showed this week.

Coupled with an inflation report on Thursday showing that price rises have slowed despite brisk consumer spending on everyday items and services this summer, economists and investors say the US central bank can afford to wait before inflicting more pain on the economy.

“There’s really no reason for them to deliver more tightening at this point,” said Jan Hatzius, chief economist at Goldman Sachs. “It makes a lot of sense to stay on hold for potentially quite a long time.”
ゴールドマン・サックスの首席エコノミスト、ヤン・ハツィウス氏は「現時点で金融引き締めを強化する理由はまったくない」と述べた。 「潜在的にかなり長期間保留し続けることは非常に理にかなっています。」

If the Fed forgoes a September increase, it would maintain the gradual pace of tightening begun this summer, when the central bank ended 10 consecutive months of rate rises by pausing in June and opting for a quarter-point rate rise, in July.

“It almost feels like the Fed can have its cake and eat it too, lowering inflation without causing too much damage in the labour market,” said Blerina Uruçi, chief US economist at T Rowe Price.

While the “benign” economic data this week affirmed her call that the central bank can pass up a September move, she is still braced for further tightening later this year.

“There are reasons to be cautiously optimistic, but at the same time, the data has behaved in such unusual ways that we have to recognise that there is a lot of uncertainty around what happens next,” Uruci said.

Powell last week warned that inflation remains “too high” and that further tightening could be needed. Future decisions would be made “carefully” and reflect the “totality” of data, he said at the Fed’s annual symposium in Jackson Hole, Wyoming.
パウエル議長は先週、インフレ率が依然として「高すぎる」ため、さらなる引き締めが必要になる可能性があると警告した。 同氏はワイオミング州ジャクソンホールで開催されたFRBの年次シンポジウムで、今後の決定は「慎重に」行われ、データの「全体性」を反映すると述べた。

Officials are now trying to balance the risk of squeezing the economy too hard and causing undue economic pain, with the risk of allowing inflation to remain too high for too long.

One concern is whether robust consumer spending and other signs of economic resilience mean the Fed will need to restrict money supply further to bring inflation back to the central bank’s 2 per cent target — a risk flagged recently by both Powell and officials such as Susan Collins of the Boston Fed.

That is also a concern for Marc Giannoni, who formerly worked at the Fed’s regional banks in Dallas and New York and is now at Barclays. He forecasts a final quarter-point rate rise in November.
これは、以前はダラスとニューヨークの連銀地方銀行に勤務し、現在はバークレイズに勤務するマーク・ジャンノーニ氏も懸念している。 同氏は11月に最後の四半期ポイントの金利上昇を予想している。

Omair Sharif, president of forecasting group Inflation Insights, said he was worried about pockets of inflations resurfacing in the fourth quarter of the year, if sectors such as the car market remain too hot. Wholesale vehicle prices have already begun to go back up, he noted. He is also closely watching health insurance costs.
予測グループ「インフレーション・インサイツ」のオマイル・シャリフ社長は、自動車市場などのセクターが引き続き過熱した場合、今年第4・四半期に一部のインフレが再浮上するのではないかと懸念していると述べた。 同氏は、自動車の卸売価格はすでに上昇し始めていると指摘した。 同氏は健康保険のコストにも細心の注意を払っている。

“We’re just going to be moving in the wrong direction, from close to target to back up to around 3.5 per cent on the core consumer price index,” he said of his year-end forecast. As of July, it hovered at 4.7 per cent. Sharif has pencilled in another rate rise as late as December as a result.

