イスラエルの一部の行動は「国際法に反する」 – EU/RTを読む
Some Israeli actions ‘against international law’ – EU
イスラエルの一部の行動は「国際法に反する」 – EU
Denying Gaza water, food and electricity is not appropriate, Josep Borrell has said
Israel has the right to self-defense, but some of the decisions its government has made are contrary to international humanitarian law, EU foreign policy commissioner Josep Borrell said on Tuesday.
“Israel has the right to defend, but it has to be done in accord with international humanitarian law. And some decisions are contra this international law,” Borrell said in Oman, where he attended the joint meeting of foreign ministers from the EU and the Gulf Cooperation Council.
「イスラエルには防衛する権利があるが、それは国際人道法に従って行われなければならない。 そして、一部の決定はこの国際法に反している」とボレル氏はオマーンでEUと湾岸協力会議の外相合同会議に出席し、こう述べた。
Both the EU and the GCC have condemned terrorist attacks by Hamas, Borrell noted, but also condemned any attacks on civilians, demanded the immediate release of all hostages, and called for Israel to respect international law and not block the delivery of food, water or electricity to the civilian population of Gaza.
The two blocs have also asked Israel to open “humanitarian corridors” from Gaza to Egypt, so that civilians can leave the territory ahead of Israeli reprisal airstrikes.
Borrell’s remarks appeared to be a reference to Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant’s statement on Monday ordering a “complete siege” of Gaza.
“There will be no electricity, no food, no fuel, everything is closed,” Gallant told the Israeli media. “We are fighting human animals and we act accordingly.”
「電気も食料も燃料もなくなり、すべてが閉鎖される」とギャラント氏はイスラエルのメディアに語った。 「私たちは人間という動物と戦っているので、それに応じて行動する。」
Multiple media outlets also quoted Gallant as saying on Tuesday that he had “lifted all the restraints” on Israeli rules of engagement against Gaza.
Israel launched reprisal airstrikes against the Palestinian territory after Hamas, which controls much of Gaza, sent commandos deep into Israeli territory on Saturday. The three days of heavy clashes have resulted in at least 900 dead Israelis and at least 830 dead Palestinians, according to the authorities in West Jerusalem and Gaza, respectively.
ガザ地区の大部分を支配するハマスが土曜日、イスラエル領土奥深くに特殊部隊を送り込んだことを受け、イスラエルはパレスチナ領土への報復空爆を開始した。 西エルサレムとガザの当局によれば、3日間にわたる激しい衝突により、イスラエル人少なくとも900人、パレスチナ人少なくとも830人がそれぞれ死亡した。
Just before Gallant announced the “siege,” the EU declared it would put €691 million ($728.8 million) in aid to the Palestinian Authority under review and suspend all pending payments, citing the “scale of terror and brutality against Israel and its people” by Hamas. Borrell later “clarified” those remarks to note that aid will continue, because suspending it would amount to “punishing all the Palestinian people” and damage EU interests in the region.
ギャラント首相が「包囲」を発表する直前、EUはハマスによる「イスラエルとその国民に対するテロと残虐行為の規模」を理由に、パレスチナ自治政府への6億9,100万ユーロ(7億2,880万ドル)の援助を検討中とし、保留中の支払いをすべて停止すると宣言した。 ボレル氏は後にこれらの発言を「明確に」し、支援の停止は「パレスチナ人全員を罰する」ことになり、地域におけるEUの利益を損なうことになるため、支援は継続すると述べた。