

Hamas frees first batch of hostages under truce, including 13 Israelis

Hamas released the first batch of hostages under a cease-fire deal that began Friday, including 13 Israelis who have been held in the Gaza Strip since the militant group staged a raid on Israel nearly seven weeks ago, according to officials and media reports.

Twelve Thai nationals were also released, according to Thai Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin. Dozens of Palestinian prisoners are also expected to be freed by Israel.
タイのスレッタ・タビシン首相によると、タイ国民12人も釈放された。 数十人のパレスチナ人捕虜もイスラエルによって解放される予定だ。

The cease-fire between Israel and Hamas began Friday, setting the stage for the exchange and allowing sorely needed aid to start flowing into Gaza.

There were no reports of fighting after the truce began. The deal offered some relief for Gaza’s 2.3 million people, who have endured weeks of Israeli bombardment and dwindling supplies of basic necessities, as well as for families in Israel worried about loved ones taken captive during Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack, which triggered the war.

The truce raised hopes of eventually winding down the conflict, which has flattened vast swaths of Gaza, fueled a surge of violence in the occupied West Bank and stirred fears of a wider conflagration across the Middle East. Israel, however, has said it is determined to resume its massive offensive once the cease-fire ends.
この停戦により、最終的には紛争が鎮静化するという期待が高まったが、この紛争によりガザの広大な地域が平坦化され、占領下のヨルダン川西岸地区で暴力行為が激化し、中東全域で大規模な火災が拡大するのではないかとの懸念が高まった。 しかしイスラエルは、停戦が終了したら大規模な攻撃を再開する決意をしていると述べた。

Under the deal, Gaza’s ruling Hamas group pledged to free at least 50 of the about 240 hostages it and other militants took in the Oct. 7 raid. In exchange, Hamas said Israel would free 150 Palestinian prisoners.
この協定に基づき、ガザの支配組織ハマスは、10月7日の襲撃で同組織と他の過激派が捕らえた人質約240人のうち少なくとも50人を解放すると約束した。 その見返りに、ハマスはイスラエルがパレスチナ捕虜150人を解放すると述べた。

Both sides agreed to release women and children first, in stages starting Friday, and as planned 13 Israelis were released, according to Israeli media, citing security officials. An Israeli official, meanwhile, confirmed that the Thai captives left Gaza and were en route to a hospital in Israel. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because she was not authorized to discuss the releases with the media.
イスラエルメディアが治安当局者の話として伝えたところによると、双方は金曜から段階的に女性と子供を優先的に解放することで合意し、予定通りイスラエル人13人が解放された。 一方、イスラエル当局者は、タイ人捕虜がガザを離れ、イスラエルの病院に向かう途中であることを認めた。 この当局者はメディアとこの発表について話し合う権限を与えられていなかったため、匿名を条件に語った。

Israel said the deal calls for the truce to be extended an extra day for every additional 10 hostages freed.

Early in the day, ambulances were seen arriving at the Hatzerim air base in southern Israel, preparing for the release. Those freed will then be taken to hospitals for assessment and treatment, Israeli officials said.
その日の早朝、イスラエル南部のハッツェリム空軍基地に到着し、解放の準備をする救急車の姿が見られた。 イスラエル当局者らによると、解放された人々はその後、検査と治療のために病院に搬送されるという。

Among the Israeli citizens freed some have a second nationality, according to a Hamas official who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to discuss the details with the media.

Israel’s Justice Ministry published a list of 300 Palestinian prisoners eligible for release. Thirty-nine — 24 women, including some convicted of attempted murder for attacks on Israeli forces, and 15 teenagers jailed for offenses like throwing stones — were expected to be freed Friday, Palestinian authorities said.
イスラエル法務省は、釈放の対象となるパレスチナ人捕虜300人のリストを公表した。 パレスチナ当局は金曜日に釈放される予定の39人(イスラエル軍への攻撃で殺人未遂で有罪判決を受けた一部を含む女性24人と投石などの罪で投獄された十代の若者15人)が釈放される予定だと発表した。

On Friday, the truce brought quiet after weeks in which Gaza saw heavy bombardment and artillery fire daily as well as street fighting as ground troops advanced through neighborhoods in the north. The last report of air raid sirens in Israeli towns near the territory came shortly after the truce took effect.
金曜日、ガザでは数週間にわたって激しい砲撃と砲撃が毎日行われ、地上軍が北部の近隣地域を進軍する市街戦も見られたが、この停戦により静寂が訪れた。 領土近くのイスラエルの町で空襲警報が鳴ったという最後の報告は、休戦協定が発効した直後に行われた。

Not long after, four tankers with fuel and four with cooking gas entered the Gaza Strip from Egypt, Israel said.

Israel has agreed to allow the delivery of 130,000 liters (34,340 gallons) of fuel per day during the truce — still only a small portion of Gaza’s estimated daily needs of more than 1 million liters.

For most of the past seven weeks of war, Israel had barred the entry of fuel to Gaza, claiming it could be used by Hamas for military purposes — though it has occasionally allowed small amounts in.

UN aid agencies pushed back against the claim, saying fuel deliveries were closely supervised and urgently needed to avert a humanitarian catastrophe since fuel is required to run generators that power water treatment facilities, hospitals and other critical infrastructure.

The Israeli military dropped leaflets over southern Gaza, warning hundreds of thousands of displaced Palestinians who sought refuge there not to return to their homes in the territory’s north, the focus of Israel’s ground offensive.

Even though Israel warned that it would block such attempts, hundreds of Palestinians could be seen walking north Friday.

Two were shot and killed by Israeli troops and another 11 were wounded. An Associated Press journalist saw the two bodies and the wounded as they arrived at a hospital.
2人がイスラエル軍に射殺され、11人が負傷した。 AP通信の記者は病院に到着した2人の遺体と負傷者を目撃した。

Sofian Abu Amer, who had fled Gaza City, said he decided to risk heading north to check on his home.

“We don’t have enough clothes, food and drinks,” he said. ”The situation is disastrous. It’s better for a person to die.”

The hope is that “momentum” from the deal will lead to an “end to this violence,” said Majed Al-Ansari, a spokesman for the Foreign Ministry of Qatar, which served as a mediator along with the United States and Egypt.

But hours before it came into effect, Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant was quoted telling troops that their respite would be short and that the war would resume with intensity for at least two more months.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has also vowed to continue the war to destroy Hamas’ military capabilities, end its 16-year rule in Gaza and return all the hostages.

Israel’s northern border with Lebanon was also quiet on Friday, a day after the militant Hezbollah group, an ally of Hamas, carried out the highest number of attacks in one day since fighting there began Oct. 8.

Hezbollah is not a party to the cease-fire agreement, but was widely expected to halt its attacks.

The war erupted when several thousand Hamas militants stormed into southern Israel, killing at least 1,200 people, mostly civilians, and taking scores of hostages, including babies, women and older adults, as well as soldiers.

The soldiers will only be released in exchange for all Palestinians imprisoned by Israel, according to the Islamic Jihad militant group, which is reportedly holding about 40 hostages.

It is not clear how many of the hostages are currently serving in the military or whether the militants also consider reserve soldiers to be “military hostages.”

According to the Palestinian Prisoners’ Club, an advocacy group, Israel is currently holding 7,200 Palestinians on security charges or convictions, including about 2,000 arrested since the start of the war.

The Israeli offensive has killed more than 13,300 Palestinians, according to the Health Ministry in Hamas-ruled Gaza, which resumed its detailed count of casualties in Gaza after stopping for weeks because of the health system’s collapse in the north.

The ministry says some 6,000 people have been reported missing, feared buried under rubble.

The ministry does not differentiate between civilians and militants in its death tolls.

Women and minors have consistently made up around two-thirds of the dead, though the new number was not broken down. The figure does not include updated numbers from hospitals in the north.
死者の約3分の2は女性と未成年者が一貫して占めているが、新たな数の内訳は明らかにされていない。 この数字には、北部の病院からの最新の数字は含まれていない。

Israel says it has killed thousands of Hamas fighters, without presenting evidence for its count.

