
『草枕』、著作の裏側など 4

4 漱石の『方丈記』英訳 

 夏目金之助(漱石)が帝国大学文科大学の学生であった23歳の時に、お雇い教師 James Main Dixon の依頼で『方丈記』を英訳しました。Dixon はこれに手を入れた上で Transaction of the Asiatic Society of Japan に "A Description of My Hut" と題して発表(雑誌『文学』 2012年3,4月号の松井竜五「南方熊楠と『方丈記』」による)。漱石の英訳は次のとおり。
Incessant is the change of water
where the stream glides on calmly:
the spray appears over a cataract,
yet vanishes without a moment’s delay.

Such is the fate of men in the world
and of the houses in which they live.

Walls standing side by side, tilings
vying with one another in loftiness,
these are from generations past the
abodes of high and low in a mighty town.

But none of them has resisted
the destructive work of time.         (つづく)
