How can be prevent threatened preterm labour?①

Once you are pregnant, I guess you wish that you give birth safely and your baby is healthy, too.
"Threatened preterm labour" is one of the major disease to threaten pregnant women and her family (baby, too!) as its name says.

Threatened preterm labour (TPL) is the progression of cervical dilatation and ripening caused by regular uterine contractions occurring before 37 weeks of pregnancy, which may result in preterm birth. 

To prevent this, basically we need to be careful our normal daily life.
such as ...
・See your doctor once you feel something wrong, tighten of your uterus or any bleeding.
・Don't smoke or drink while you are pregnant.
・Eat a balanced diet to keep your body healthy.
・Don't make your body cooler especially around your tummy.
・Gain a healthy amount of weight (not too much or too little).
・Protect yourself from infections (wash your hands well and often; don't eat raw meat, fish, or unpasteurized cheese; use condoms when having sex; don't change cat litter).
・Try not get too much stress and have means to reduce them.

We're going to discuss more deeper some of above from next week!


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 ::MON:: 日本での妊娠・出産・育児in English
 ::WED:: 海外出産・シングル出産 LGBTQや障がい者の方の出産について
::THU:: はたらく女性の妊娠・出産・育児について
 ::FRI:: 帝王切開・多胎・切迫早産・悪阻が伴う 妊娠と出産と育児について
::SAT:: プレパパ&現役パパたちへのお役だち情報

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<MON>Info about giving birth in Japan
<WED>Info about various family styles.
<THU>Info for working mums and pregnant women.
<FRI>Info about various types of childbirth.
<THU>Info for working mums and pregnant women.
<SAT>Info for partners.
