What if you are one of "close contacts"?②
How can you be careful not get infected or developed if you are told you are a close contact by anyone?
Especially you are living with patients?
-Stay in a separate room from other household members, if possible.
-If you have underlying disease or pregnant, try not to look after the patients.
-Wear a facial mask on when around other people.
-Wash your hands.
-Sanitize somewhere you and your family also touch/use.
-Eat well, Sleep well.
-Monitor your symptoms.
-Use a separate bathroom, if possible.
-Don’t share personal household items, like cups, towels, and utensils.
-Ventilation in homes.
-If you have symptoms, immediately self-isolate and contact your local city/municipal office or directly hospitals if it's a busy line due to this situations.
I've supported a lot of pregnancy women or 0 year old baby's mums who had a risk for infected (even they got a positive result ).
They are getting better and eventually back to no self-isolate life!
If you wants to talk to someone, we are here for you!
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★★Followed by INFO in ENG★★
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::MON:: 日本での妊娠・出産・育児in English
::WED:: 海外出産・シングル出産 LGBTQや障がい者の方の出産について
::THU:: はたらく女性の妊娠・出産・育児について
::FRI:: 帝王切開・多胎・切迫早産・悪阻が伴う 妊娠と出産と育児について
::SAT:: プレパパ&現役パパたちへのお役だち情報
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<MON>Info about giving birth in Japan
<WED>Info about various family styles.
<THU>Info for working mums and pregnant women.
<FRI>Info about various types of childbirth.
<THU>Info for working mums and pregnant women.
<SAT>Info for partners.