ピーター・ルー マンチェスターの悲劇 民主主義と合意形成の難しさをもう一度考える

『ピーター・ルー マンチェスターの悲劇』


The movie "Peterloo" directed by famous, English director Mike Leigh was released in Japan. It is definitely a must-see movie this summer.
It depicts the "Peterloo massacre", where a peaceful pro-democracatic rally at St. Peter’s Field in Manchester turned into one of the bloodiest and most notorious episodes in British history. The British government forcibly charged into a crowd of over 60,000 that had gathered to demand political reform and protest against rising levels of poverty. Many protestors were killed and hundreds more were injured.
Democracy is a system of government where the whole population or all the eligible members of a state elect representatives who govern the state.
I think this film describes more primitive things; various things should be decided through a lot of people's discussion. In this film, various arguments are pictured really interestingly. For example, what kind of agenda is being talked about, how the media would be attending, whether the paper should be made, who addresses at the rally etc. are discussed in the big or small meetings by that rally. It takes a long time about to establish a "democracy", even the UN, which is facing the Brexit problem just now. It is a very serious issue concerning English democracy. We can reconsider our democracy through various episodes in this film, so I recommend to watch it this summer vacation season.