
2023.11.12 イスラエル大使館前「即時停戦」デモ イスラエル首相、ベンヤミン・ネタニヤフ 駐日イスラエル大使、ギラッド・コーエン 抗議文英文

November 12th 2023

Prime Minister of the State of Israel, Mr. Benjamin Netanyahu
H.E. Gilad Cohen, Israeli Ambassador to Japan

On October 7, 2023, the Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas, which effectively controls Gaza in the Palestinian territories, launched a large-scale attack on Israel with several thousand rockets, abducting and killing civilians in southern Israel.

In response, Israel officially declared war on Hamas on October 8 of the same year, and launched a full-scale response with air strikes and other means on the Gaza Strip, which has been reported around the world to have resulted in numerous casualties, including civilians in the Palestinian territory of Gaza. The Gaza Strip has already been cut off from water, electricity, food, fuel, etc., which are essential for people's lives, and people in Gaza is now in an extreme dire situation.

Even before the Hamas attack on October 7, the Israeli military and illegal Israeli settlers, who are violating international law, have treated Palestinians like second-class citizens in the West Bank city of Hebron, encouraging settlers to destroy Palestinian homes, and committing acts of violence and terrorism such as arson and forcibly removing the clothes of Palestinian women and interrogating them. Since October 7, such violence and human rights violations have become even more extreme, with 120 Palestinians living in the West Bank killed between October 7 and October 31, according to the Palestinian Ministry of Health.

We do not intend to defend Hamas in its attacks against civilians, but the current Israeli military incursion is clearly genocide and genocide against the civilian population of Gaza.

As Japanese people of conscience, we absolutely cannot stand by and watch such atrocities take place.

In 1946, Menachem Begin, who later became Prime Minister of Israel, blew up the King David Hotel in Jerusalem and massacred the Palestinian village of Deir Yassin. Thereafter, since the proclamation of the State of Israel by Jewish leaders on May 14, 1948, the first through the fourth Middle East wars and fighting in the region have intensified. As a result of these numerous battles, massacres, and terrorist acts, Israel has militarily occupied vast areas of land in Palestine, and at the same time, due to the radical Zionist movement among the Jewish people, the Palestinian people, who were originally their own land, were gradually displaced from their land and homes, became refugees, and are now being forced into the Gaza Strip and West Bank.

And, in the past and at present, Israel poses the following threats to the safety and lives of not only the Palestinian people, but also the world and the Japanese people.

  1. Threat of terrorism and war against Japan and the world

The U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, in a March 1948 document, stated that "Zionist (Israel's) strategy seeks to involve the United States in a continuously widening and deepening series of operations intended to secure maximum Jewish objectives”.

As if to corroborate that statement, Israel has been involved in The Lavon Affair, the USS Liberty incident, and the use of radio transmitters smuggled into Tripoli by the Mossad to deceive the United States into believing that Libya was about to launch a major terrorist attack on the West. Israel has carried out numerous acts of terrorism against the U.S. and Western countries, making it seems like the other countries, such as Egypt or Libya, had done it. Japan has also been indirectly or directly drawn into Israel's wars by Israeli deception.

The most recent example is the Iraq War that followed after the 2001 terrorist attacks in the U.S. soil. Israeli intelligence provided the U.S. and U.K. with false information about Iraq's nuclear and biological weapons which was said to have been exaggerated and fabricated, and Netanyahu strongly asserted the false information before the U.S. Congress in 2002, As a result, nearly 500,000 lives were lost in Iraq, Japan followed suit, and 29 Self-Defense Force personnel who were deployed to Iraq took their own lives, and four of whom are believed to have committed suicide because of the Iraq War.

2 National security threats directly related to the safety and lives of the Japanese people and people around the world

Amidst the reportedly escalating tensions in the East China Sea in recent years, Israel has been providing China with large quantities of state-of-the-art dual-use civilian and military technology from at least 1979 to the present.

While actively providing military support to China, which is said to be at odds with Japan, Israeli cyber security companies with close ties to Israeli intelligence have even made inroads into major Japanese companies and critical infrastructure, including nuclear power plants, Tokyo Gas, Fujitsu, Dai Nippon Printing, and others,

Furthermore, Israel has even made inroads into Japan's defense through NTT Security, which is receiving significant investment from Japanese government due to increased defense spending.

Israeli security firms have aided and abetted crimes by leaking information on agents and investigations to terrorist suspects and criminal organizations, They have also let terrorists pass at the Logan Airport during the 9/11 attacks in the U.S. and had their CCTV malfunctions in the subway during the London 7/7 terror attacks.

Israel continues to ignore international law and commit genocide in Palestine, and it continues to provide cutting-edge military technology to China, Russia, and other countries, thereby inflaming tensions in Asia. It is a matter of grave national security concern that such a nation would be responsible not only for the cyber security of our critical infrastructure and Japan's major corporations, which are the backbone of economy, but also for our vital defense system.

And, several Israeli media outlets have reported that Magna BSP, an Israeli company, was in charge of security at the Fukushima nuclear power plant during a major nuclear crisis in Japan’s 311 earthquake.

3 A threat to human rights and democracy in Japan and all over the world

Israel, while proclaiming "the only democracy in the Middle East" as its national slogan, is aiding and abetting the suppression and violation of human rights not only in Palestine but also in other nations around the world. Israeli cyber security firm Carbine has been accused by a Jewish former CBS reporter of providing the technology necessary to monitor and control the residents of the Chinese Uighur Autonomous Region to suppress human rights.

It also signed an arms deal with India in 2017, which is said to be the world's largest democracy, while at the same time selling the Indian government "Pegasus," spyware from Israel's NSO Group, a company known for its human rights abuses around the world.

Not only in India and China, In October 2018, Israel's Haaretz newspaper exposed that Israeli cyber security companies with close ties to the Israeli military, are helping the government all over the world to catch political dissidents and homosexuals, including in Southeast Asia, the Middle East, Latin America, and Africa.

We believe that Israel is a state that threatens human rights and democracy around the world for a variety of reasons, including those listed above. And Hamas, the Islamic resistance movement that attacked Israel this time, is reported by various media outlets around the world as having been created by Israel.

We, the Japanese people, have a history of being targeted and bombed by the U.S. government in the past, including the atomic bombings, the air raids on Tokyo and Yokohama, and the ground war on Okinawa. From the perspective of the Japanese people who have such a past, the current Israeli genocide against Palestine cannot be seen as irrelevant to us..

For this reason, we strongly protest and denounce Israel and demand Israel to stop the genocide in Gaza, and at the same time, we demand that the unjustified violence, suppression of human rights, and killing of Palestinians in Hebron and the West Bank be stopped immediately, that an immediate ceasefire be established, and that the people of Gaza be provided with food, water, medical care, and other humanitarian assistance immediately.

We submit this letter of request to the Israeli government, Prime Minister Netanyahu and the Israeli ambassador to Japan.

Tomoya Kawaguchi
Kai Masayasu


Supporters below
