



My new job [Day 25]

ホームパイは悪魔が産んだ最強のお菓子だと思っています、ひょうてんです。 Today's DiaryToday, my new job what I will do from next month was decided. My working had been changed twice in the three years, so I want to find my calling sometime soon. I wonder if new job will be f

I designed shelf [Day 24]

世間ではゴールデンウィークに入っている人もいるそうですが、まだまだ仕事があります、ひょうてんです。 Today's DiaryI designed new shelf today. I will start making shelf while GW vacation. I will do DIY for the first time in a while, so I'll be looking forward to make that. I wonder if I ca

Fantastic Beast [Day 23]

テレワークのお昼休み中に買い物に行くと人がいっぱいいるので朝早く行く方がいいなと思いました、ひょうてんです。 Today's DiaryI watched Fantastic Beasts at my home theater today. I get the feeling that it was released on last year or two years ago. I didn't remember the details about it. I wonder

Friends is forever [Day 22]

10シーズン分のFriendsを今日見終わってしまい喪失感に枯れれています、ひょうてんです。 Today's DiaryI just finished to watch final episode of 'Friends' what I had watched since last month. To watch that was my routine for everyday, so I'm so sad. Although it's dorama, I could cr

Is this long vacation?[Day 21]

毎日家で過ごしているので何かしら昨日とは違うことをやろうと模索しています、ひょうてんです。 Today's DiaryI spend my time like an unemployed person these day. Although there is a job on weekday, that is being decreased than before. I spend my time like same with holiday everyday. It ma

BlackkKlansman [Day 20]

毎日アボカドを触ってはまだ食べごろじゃないなとがっかりする毎朝を繰り返しています、ひょうてんです。 Today's DiaryI watched the serious movie named 'BlackkKlansman' at amazon prime. I told it was serious, but it was just action movie though. The theme of that movie is racial discrimination

Peanuts bread is gone [Day 19]

気付けば在宅勤務も1ヶ月経っていましたが、特になんの問題もなく仕事できていて通勤なんて無駄だなとつくづく思いました、ひょうてんです。 Today's DiaryI woke up early for a change today. So I took a walk and went bakery which is in near with station. That shop open from am 8:00, therefore I had thought if I w

A Rich Milk Makes Us Happy. [Day 18]

押入れの掃除をしていたらアフターファイブの時間が全て奪われていました、ひょうてんです。 Today's DiaryToday, I had a craving for junk food, so I ate a hot dog at dinner. It's so junky. You would be feeling like that you are aliving when you eat junk food, wouldn't you? Anyway, I thi

New Bed might be made. [Day 17]

ひっさしぶりに夜コンビニに散歩に行って、散歩も悪くないものだなと再確認しました、ひょうてんです。 Today's DiaryThe day was over while I thought what I would make at DIY. Today, I finished to draw the plan for queen size bed. I am thinking that making the bed will be big project. At fir

I cut a corner [Day 16]

模様替えのことを考え出したら止まらなくなってしまって、この自粛期間に部屋をすこぶるオシャレにしてやろうかと企んでいます、ひょうてんです。 Today's DiaryI just noticed that I am getting bored with voluntarily refraining. I had enjoyed cooking before a few days, but I often eat noodles or other instant foods.

I got home theater [Day 15]

在宅に本気で飽きてきてどうしよもなくなってきているひょうてんです。 Today's DiaryI also did over of my room today. I remodeled the shoe racks. And, It became the home theater. Next weekend, I'm gonna see some movie with a pop cone and cola. I'm so looking forward that. 今日

Do over [Day 14]

昨日お家焼肉をやりましたが、お肉が余っていたため、今日も焼肉をやって気分が良いひょうてんです。 Today's DiaryToday, I'm gonna talk about my hobbies. I like to do over my room, but others can't empathize with me. If I spend a time at same home for a little months, I would be bothered and

Yakiniku Yakiniku Alone [Day 13]

朝から友人のインスタライブにお邪魔してたらあっという間に1日が過ぎていました、ひょうてんです。 Today's DiaryToday, I ate Yakiniku first time for a while. I enjoyed alone, though. I recommend that yakiniku by oneself because it's cheaper than eating at yakiniku restaurant, beside we can

Finally, our iphone comes out [Day 12]

3日ぶりに普通に出社をしたのですが、朝日を浴びて歩くことがこんなに清々しいものだったのかと驚かされました、ひょうてんです。 Today's DiaryA lot of fake news about the iphone SE 2020 had been spread by someone til these day, but at last Apple announced official informations about that yesterday. I was