



I will make it! [Day 51]

何度も踏みとどまっていましたが、ついにspotifyの有料会員になってしまいました、ひょうてんです。 Today's DiaryToday, I designed a bed frame for making it. I have not finished to make TV board, though. I will live together with my girlfriend from next month june, therefore I am thinki

Still staying home [Day 50]

Today's DiaryToday, the company where I am working told about our work from next month. We will still work from each house on June like May. When can we work with team member at office? I become be boring to stay home.

Why did I mess up? [Day 49]

緊急事態宣言が全国的に解除されましたが、これを機に外出しだした人たちが感染し始めてまた自粛することになるのではないかと想像しています、ひょうてんです。 Today's DiaryI made the TV board on last weekend. But I just noticed that I made a mistake of procedures for making it. And I was shocked ... Anyway, I decide to t

[Day 48]

昨日リモート飲み会をやっていたら日付を越えてしまっており、日記の連続記録が途絶えてしまいました。 Today's DiaryToday, I made original TV board in my house finally. This was the hardest to make in my products of DIY. The woods what I used for TV board are heavy. So I'm having muscle pain

I will receive a lecture of english conversation. [Day 47]

Today's DiaryThe office where I am working at looked for people who wanna take a english lecture, so I applied to take a lecture. I'm little nervous because I've never use online english conversation lecture.

He made a mistake [Day 46]

Today’s DiaryToday, I went hardware store after work to buy wood for DIY. I will make TV board on this weekend. By the way, person who is working hardware store made mistake of cutting wood. I wasted my time.

Moving [Day 45]

Today's DiaryToday, I tidied up my closet because my girlfriends is going to move my house next month, June. I can't wait to live together with my girlfriend.

Where is my energy?[Day 44]

Today's DiaryI am out of energy to do something these day. Is this Corona fatigue? If I can't do anything, how can I be fine?

Only me [Day 43]

在宅になって2ヶ月経ちそうになって髪がもうとんでもないことになってしまいました、ひょうてんです。 Today's DiaryToday, I went hardware store before going to work.There are a lot of people who are professional of carpenter. Nobody who wear suit like me was in there.

TV board [Day 42]

雨が降ると何もやる気がなくなってしまいます、ひょうてんです。 Today's DiaryToday, I designed next DIY product. I will make TV board for living room. It will look good and be useful.

I don't like rain [Day 41]

雨が降ると湿気で髪が爆発してしまい辛いです、ひょうてんです。 Today's DiaryIt was rainy today. I don't like rain because my hair would kind of explode soon when I go outside.

I ordered the serum [Day 40]

在宅勤務が今月で終わると思うと震えが止まりません、ひょうてんです。 Today's DiaryI wanted to rid my face of pimples, therefore I ordered the serum which costs three thousand yen finally. I heard it is recommended product for people who repeat getting a pimple. So I am loo

I'm into a white bread. [Day 39]

一日中足汗手汗が止まらなくてついに発汗器官がバグり出したかと思い怖くなってきました、ひょうてんです。 Today's DiaryToday, I took a walk to convenience stores after getting up. And I bought a white bread at convenience stores.It's named "kin no syokupan". It was softie and tasty as reputati

Priority level [Day 38]

久しぶりに出社して気づきましたが、前に出社した時は朝は少し寒かったぐらいなのに今日は暑いぐらいで季節の急激な変化にびつくりしました、ひょうてんです。 Today's DiaryToday, I organized a things what I wanna do my best in the near future. Then, I noticed its can be divided to 3 three kinds which are serious thing, ho