
Democratic Republic of the Good Looking Guy

The worldwide definition of "good-looking" is being revised, and a "good-looking constitution" is finally being passed.
The Republic of Good Looking Guys is said to be located near Switzerland, a country that is permanently neutral, but has been renamed the Democratic Republic of Icomene because its too blatant name has caught the attention of an egalitarian "flat company" organization. However, in the 19th century, the definition of a man was blond, curly-haired, and tall, but now it is quite subdivided into money, atmosphere, fashion, and just plain face, etc. If the points in each category exceed 10 points, he is supposed to go to Icomene for a short stay to learn thoroughly, including manners. There is also the issue of the second generation.
Until now, it has been said that if there is a handsome parent, there is a handsome son, but due to strong global warming, it is said that one-half of the parents will become not-so-handsome. This would result in an overall decrease in the population living in Ikomen, so they are already cultivating "Branded Ikomen," in which the animals are raised to be good-looking even before they are born. The children are taught not only how to be handsome, but also how to be a gentleman, from how to present a handkerchief to how to hold a lady's hand and how to talk to her. The "handsome man education" is also given to children as young as two years old.
On the other hand, women are sent to a country called "The Democratic People's Republic of Bijyoki," where they learn the basics of how to marry an ikkomen man from scratch. There, the episode 0 "Encounter. Various strategies are included, such as how to meet in an elevator, intentionally and blatantly forgetting a handkerchief on the seat, and so on.
In order to maintain the beauty of one's appearance, a very innovative experiment is being conducted to change one's appearance from the genetic point of view, instead of the blatantly late-onset plastic surgery, but due to ethical issues, this project is being conducted in secret in a way that is completely unknown to the world. In the case of women, too, there is the question, "What about the beauty of the heart?" There are some beautiful women with good manners, but there is still a certain amount of demand for beautiful women with a certain amount of sophistication, so it seems that some women with "bad personalities" are being farmed out.

By the way, the wave of digitization is progressing in the Democratic Republic of Icomene as well, and a national homepage has been created. The agency that received the order for this homepage, which includes photos of the town's young people, is actually the one I work for, but we have been receiving a steady stream of phone calls asking for a ride for our son, as well as a string of unexplained bribes in the form of walnut dumplings, brown sugar steamed bread, diamond chairs, and gold bars, which are the store's specialties. The situation has already reached an impasse.
Incidentally, the prince of the Democratic Republic of Icomene is an impeccably handsome prince, and it has been discovered that just by meeting him face to face, one's skin becomes fair and one's eyes sometimes meet another's, and that this effect can even cause pregnancy. Between you and me, some suspect that he is a robot because he always has a smile on his face, but no one has yet been able to solve the mystery.
