
Tempura Hafu Hafu

We went to a rather expensive tempura restaurant that we wanted to try. I had a hafu hafu.

What is good about the restaurant is that the interior design is fascinating. It is a counter kitchen tempura restaurant. It is a fan.

In the middle of it, you can enjoy freshly fried prawns and squid.
Squid, smothered with freshly fried prawns.
Huffing and puffing on a sweet potato.

Once fried, as soon as possible, as impossible.
Eat it quickly.

This is irresistible.
Juicy and crispy.

What is it?
The God of Abra cast a magic spell of crispiness.

Joo-hoo-hoo-hoo, crunchy.
Crunchy, crunchy, crunchy, crunchy, crunchy, crunchy.

The symphony of tempura never stops.
Oyakata fries the tempura as if he were a conductor.

Finally, he finishes off the meal with a bowl of tempura rice.
It's like a cymbal.
Ta-da! The taste is delicious.

Enjoy the aftertaste with sorbet.
until we open the next door again.
Hahahahaha, good night.
