
11【5行エッセイ】ハーバード式英語学習法 My Job(私の仕事)



  1. 読む・聞く・話す・書くの4つのスキルをバランスよく鍛える。

  2. 実際のコンテンツ(ニュース記事、映画、音楽、本など)を使って学習する。

  3. 文脈を理解しながら学習することで、単語や表現を記憶に定着させる。

  4. 自分の興味や目的に合った英語学習を行う。

In conclusion:

The appeal of office work lies in supporting people.


For the first reason:

There is no workplace where administrative tasks do not occur, so there is satisfaction in handling them to ensure the smooth operation of the entire organization.


Based on these facts: By efficiently carrying out various administrative tasks in each workplace, one contributes to creating an environment where other employees can focus on their own work.
Based on these facts: This leads to experiencing the joy of being the 'unsung hero' behind the scenes in administrative work.

For the second reason:

In administrative work, one can experience the joy of being relied upon and appreciated.


Based on these facts: Experienced administrative professionals are often regarded by their colleagues as the go-to person when they need help, and being relied upon is not uncommon.
Based on these facts: Additionally, If one can adapt flexibly to ensure the smooth operation of the workplace, they will likely be highly valued as an indispensable asset.

For the third reason:

In administrative work, one can find ways to streamline tasks through their own ingenuity.


Based on these facts: Examples include automating data entry and improving file organization methods.
Based on these facts: By leveraging one’s own ideas to efficiently carry out tasks, a sense of accomplishment can be gained.

In conclusion:

Administrative roles that require various skills such as communication, proficiency with computers, accuracy, and speed in tasks, schedule management, and adaptability are my calling. These roles encompass a range of skills, making them a perfect fit for me.



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