



It's great that you're supporting him. It's normal to feel nervous, especially about difficult questions. Maybe you could help him practice some potential questions, or share strategies to stay calm and focused during the exam. How does he usually handle stress or challenging situations?
The key advice from me is to observe the problem you are facing. For example, make a structure of the responses, like divide the reason into two or three pieces, and conclude finally. That's my advice to him.
That's excellent advice. Breaking down a problem into smaller parts and structuring responses can really help in understanding and tackling complex questions. It's a great way to stay organized and clear during an exam. Do you think he's been able to apply this advice in his practice?
Yes, he already memorized several questions with the answers, including some structured forms. He will answer today if he asks similar questions.


I want you to replace or reorganize my previous responses.
Alright, you're referring to the advice you gave about how to respond to difficult questions during an exam. Your approach was to observe the problem, break the response into structured parts, and then conclude. Here's a rephrased version:
"When facing tough questions, it's effective to first analyse the problem.
Then organize your response by dividing it into distinct sections, each adressing the part of the qustion.
Finally, wrap up with clear conclusion.
This method helps in tackling complex issues systematically.


Do you have any advices to memorize a new structure or new phrase?
Certainly! To memorize a new structure or rephrased sentence, you can try these methods:

  1. Repetition: Read the sentence out loud multiple times. This helps in reinforcing the memory.

  2. Break it down: Divide the sentence into smaller parts and memorize each part separately before combining them.

  3. Use mnemonic devices: Create a mnemonic or an acronym from the key points of the sentence.

  4. Write it down: Writing the sentence repeatedly can improve retention.

  5. Visualize: Create a mental picture or story that incorporates the main ideas of the sentence.

  6. Teach it: Explain the sentence to someone else. Teaching is a great way to deepen your understanding and memory.

Experiment with these techniques and see which ones work best for you.
