
寄付月間2024が始まるよ!キックオフイベント(オンライン)に参加してきた感想シェア。/Giving December is coming back soon!

From noon today, I have joined the online kickoff event of "Giving December" (Kifu Gekkan in Japanese, meaning Donation Month) and would like to share some of the contents of it.  I have joined this campaign at the schools I used to work at together with the then students, or became an ambassador to spread the culture of donation to other teachers and schools.

寄付月間基礎知識編/Basic Information

寄付月間とは?/What is Giving December?

Giving December is a campaign to let more and more people learn donations as well as to thank all the people who have already been involved in the donations, all so that donations become more "normal" and "common" to people in the communities.

You can donate to someone/some organizations, or you can ask for the donations at your organizations. You can open the session to summarize the donations in 2024, or you can open the learning sessions about the donations.  Anything about donations are welcome to feel the donations closer.

一番はこちらのHPをご覧いただければということでドン。(For the English website, please refer to the bottom link.)

寄付月間2023(昨年)を数字とともに振り返ってみよう/Giving December 2023 in numbers

  • リードパートナー(寄付金ありの団体・個人のみなさま)Sponsoring Partners
    法人19団体! 19 organizations!
    個人10名! 10 individuals!

  • 賛同パートナー(法人)Supporting Partners
    1059団体! 1059 organizations!

  • 賛同企画 Supporting events/campains
    175件! 175 events/campains!

  • アンバサダー(寄付月間を広めるぞ!という団体・個人のみなさま) Ambassadors
    111件!(個人62件、団体40件、マスコット9件) 62 individuals, 40 organizations, and 9 mascots, total 111 ambassadors!

実際のところ、何をする?すればいいの?/What exactly should I do?

So, this Giving December is not something like an big event happening on a specific day at a specific place.  Rather, it is a call for partners to register their actions related to donations so that people visiting their website can learn and know about donations happening in December (actually it starts listing things from October).
Therefore, if you are at school or work for a company, and if those schools or companies are already doing some sort of donations that happen to have some actions (donate money to NPOs, bring food to the food bank, or send items to the people/places in need), then that's good enough.

2024年の新しいところ/ What's new in 2024?

10月〜に期間がちょっと前倒し!/October and November are now included!

It used to be from December, so this is actually really cool for my action!

事前エントリーがなくなった!/One paperwork is cut!

Now there is one less step to register your action! Lucky you!

私は何をするか!/What am I doing?

This year, I am not yet working, so I sadly am not able to do something with students.  Therefore, for the first time, I would like to challenge a new thing.  When it is ready, I will write here.

That's all.  I did not join the breakout sessions, but I was very glad to be a part of it.  Thanks!
