




  1. 辞書の作成:

Set kanjiToNum = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
kanjiToNum.Add "一", 1
kanjiToNum.Add "二", 2
' 他の漢数字も同様に追加

2. 正規表現の設定:

Set regex = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
regex.Global = True
regex.IgnoreCase = False
regex.Pattern = "[一二三四五六七八九十]{1,2}丁目"


For Each cell In Selection
    If regex.Test(cell.Value) Then
        ' 一致するテキストを処理
    End If
Next cell

4. 漢数字を数値に変換:

kanjiText = match.Value
total = 0
tempTotal = 0
For i = 1 To Len(kanjiText)
    c = Mid(kanjiText, i, 1)
    If kanjiToNum.exists(c) Then
        num = kanjiToNum(c)
        If num = 10 Then
            If tempTotal = 0 Then tempTotal = 1
            total = total + tempTotal * num
            tempTotal = 0
            tempTotal = tempTotal * 10 + num
        End If
    End If
Next i
total = total + tempTotal


cell.Value = Replace(cell.Value, kanjiText, total & "丁目")


Convert Kanji Street Numbers to Numeric Values

This explanation is created with ChatGPT.

This procedure converts kanji numerals (e.g., "一丁目", "二丁目") in Excel cells to their numeric equivalents. Specifically, it checks each cell in the selected range and replaces kanji numerals with corresponding numbers.

Explanation of the Mechanism

  1. Creating a Dictionary:
    Register kanji numerals and their corresponding numbers in a dictionary. For example, "一" corresponds to 1, "二" corresponds to 2.

Set kanjiToNum = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
kanjiToNum.Add "一", 1
kanjiToNum.Add "二", 2
' Add other kanji numerals similarly

2.Setting Up Regular Expression:
Set up a regular expression to find text patterns like "一丁目", "二丁目".

Set regex = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
regex.Global = True
regex.IgnoreCase = False
regex.Pattern = "[一二三四五六七八九十]{1,2}丁目"

3.Loop Through Selected Cells:
Check each cell and process the text if it matches the regular expression.

For Each cell In Selection
    If regex.Test(cell.Value) Then
        ' Process matching text
    End If
Next cell

4.Convert Kanji to Numbers:
Extract kanji numerals from the matching text (e.g., "三丁目") and convert them to numbers.

kanjiText = match.Value
total = 0
tempTotal = 0
For i = 1 To Len(kanjiText)
    c = Mid(kanjiText, i, 1)
    If kanjiToNum.exists(c) Then
        num = kanjiToNum(c)
        If num = 10 Then
            If tempTotal = 0 Then tempTotal = 1
            total = total + tempTotal * num
            tempTotal = 0
            tempTotal = tempTotal * 10 + num
        End If
    End If
Next i
total = total + tempTotal

5.Replace with Numbers:
Convert the original text to numbers and update the cell content.

cell.Value = Replace(cell.Value, kanjiText, total & "丁目")

This is the basic flow of the procedure. By using this procedure, you can easily convert kanji numerals in Excel cells to numbers.


#excel #vba #できること #漢数字 #数値変換 #丁目 #正規表現 #辞書作成 #セルの内容 #テキスト処理 #選択範囲 #自動化 #VBAスクリプト #プログラミング #Excel自動化 #数値置換 #簡単変換 #丁目 #正規表現パターン #ExcelVBA
